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It was dark and it seemed like it was getting darker like no more light will shine down on her. She just stands there, eventually, her knees buckle from underneath her and she falls to be sitting in the middle of the dark courtyard. She has a look of confusion on her face like she couldn't even process what just happened. She sits there for 10 minutes until the universe decides this girl needs to feel like the universe is against her but is trying to help her get tougher and starts to rain heavily. After some more time, she starts to understand and breaks down sobbing. No one going to check on her, everyone rushing inside to get out of the rain.

The one thought on her mind was 'Why?'

The one person that she connected to, has left. Her best friend acted like she loved her and promised she'll be there forever, but it was all fake, just for popularity. Of course, she didn't know that and put everything into their friendship. She spent so much time with her and put so much thought into the advice she gave and the presents she got her but she didn't care, she only used her. It was for 10 years, 10 years full of a fake friendship. She was oblivious to her supposed best friend talking bad about her behind her back and making up fake excuses to not meet up with her to hang with other people instead. She told her all her secrets and things she's never told anyone before. She was there for her when she was down and stood up for her when people said they had a bad feeling about her. All of that was thrown away that night, her supposed best friend packed up her bags and left her in the dust taking but not before telling her it was all I lie. She didn't know how long she was sitting there but eventually, she processed enough to be able to stand and walk slowly home. She didn't know what to think, how was she going to move on after this? She spent so much time with her fake friend that she didn't make any other close friends she could lean on. She eventually got home but instead of greeting her family like she normally would she walked upstairs and went straight to the bathroom and had a shower. She stood in the shower for a while not really doing anything, instead, she was crying and trying to keep it quiet because she didn't want to burden her family with her feelings. She was in the shower for a while until her mother knocked on the door asking what was taking her so long.

She completed the rest of her night routine in a trance and fell into bed not falling asleep, silently sobbing until she was exhausted enough to fall asleep. Her last thought before the darkness overtook her was 'what did I do to deserve this? How am I going to continue life without letting anyone worry about me?'

Word count: 520

Hi, sorry this was short. I hope you enjoy it anyway. Please vote and comment  

Cya everyone.

One-shots I write at midnightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora