The Maze Runner (open)

205 4 76

"shut up this is none of your business!"

name that she uses:

real name:
Eleanor Jane Albercot (after Eleanor Roosevelt)

quiet, combination of optimistic and pessimistic, many people think she's mute because she doesn't talk a lot, but she usually starts talking to someone after about a day or two depending. forgetful but loyal, if she hates you she'll insult you or become very sarcastic, will probably fake laugh at your jokes. if you know her well she's actually quite nice and compassionate.

similar to this

appearance:similar to this

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"you really don't believe me, do you?"

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"you really don't believe me, do you?"

love interest:

love interest:newt

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or Thomas

outfit:just a grey shirt with black jeans, above the ankle socks, converse, everything is dirty obviously but when she rinses herself off with water (she gets her periods so she has to) Newt cleans everything for her even if it isn't perfect

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just a grey shirt with black jeans, above the ankle socks, converse, everything is dirty obviously but when she rinses herself off with water (she gets her periods so she has to) Newt cleans everything for her even if it isn't perfect

best friends:
Newt, Alby, Chuck, Minho


Teresa, Gally, WICKED

her father was a security guard for WICKED while her mother worked as a nurse. she helped patients fight against the virus. her mother soon found out about her pregnancy, so once there was time, the two ran off together after everything went downhill. because her family worked for the company, Alice was a target for when throwing people into the maze, which is why she was thrown in for two years. once Thomas arrived, Alice was suspicious of him but adored his courage and bravery.

other facts:
the only thing she had stored in her memory when she arrived was the name Anna, which was her mother's name. she doesn't remember anything else besides that, so she decided to call herself Alice, though her name is actually Eleanor which she learns much later.
if she were to yell or talk loudly, everyone would be shocked. that's just how untalkative she is.

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