38 - Different Places

Start from the beginning

"Fuck off," Draco groaned from beneath the blankets.

Pansy whipped the blanket off of him revealing Draco; his hair was a mess, his skin was paler than usual, and his cheeks were tear stained. In his grasp was a whisky bottle and a letter, and I could make out Blair's handwriting on it.

"Seriously?" Pansy jeered. "What kind of husband and father are you?"

"I didn't mean to!" Draco cried.

"Blair is freaking out," Pansy mumbled.

Draco sat up, tossing the bottle into a pile of all ready empty bottles. He rubbed his face before glowering at Pansy and me.

"I blacked out and forgot I needed to leave," he grumbled as he reached for another bottle of some sort of alcohol. Before he grabbed it, I intercepted his grasp and tossed the bottle into the trash.

"Sober up."

"Sober up," he mocked.

"Draco, stop it. You're acting like your father," said Pansy.

With that comment, Draco immediately shut up.

"You need to fix this, Draco. Both you and Blair are obviously hurting and your guys's pain is affecting Cordelia," I said.

"Okay," was all Draco responded to which pissed me off. My jaw clenched slightly and Pansy rested her hand on my arm.

"Calm down. He'll come to realize how much of an ass he's being once he finally sobers up," she whispered.

"Trust me, Pans, I know I'm being an ass. I'm just too drunk to care," he responded as he started to walk around his room, searching for something.

Pansy and I watched in disgust at his behaviors as he dug through his drawers and pulled out another bottle of alcohol. He poured himself a glass before sitting back down.

"Drinking isn't going to wash away your sadness," Pansy said, trying to grab the glass he was drinking from but he had already downed the liquid.

"Maybe not," he said shrugging, "but I can try."

"Just stop," Pansy said simply.

"Fuck off," he grumbled as he poured himself yet another glass, but within one swift motion, Pansy had thrown the glass onto the ground, completely shattering it, and she pushed Draco up against the wall, her wand digging into his neck.

"That was hot," I whispered in her ear while Draco gasped for air, "except you're also about to kill him."

Pansy rolled her eyes and took a deep breath before lessening the pressure she was putting into Draco's neck.

"S-stop for-forcing things that aren't m-meant to be," he stuttered as he was still recovering his breath.

"We aren't. We just want you to visit your daughter and speak to your wife!" Pansy cried.

"You're crazy!" he spat.

"Am I though?" Pansy responded as she pointed her wand harshly into his neck once again.

Draco grappled at the wand. "I-I will if you let me go."

Pansy looked at me and I nodded.

"If you don't go, I won't hesitate to make Blair rat you out to the Dark Lord," she hissed as she removed her wand from his neck and stomped out the room.

I went to follow, but I noticed Draco sat with his face in his hands.

"Look, I know it's tough, but you need to work this out. The state you're in right now isn't healthy," I said, taking a seat beside him.

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