Misty Mornings

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~ Stella's POV ~

The bus was moving.

Oh my god the bus is moving!

I gasped and sat up. I looked around to see Vic wake up and look at me, startled.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"The bus is moving!" I said with wide eyes.

He smiled and laughed at me a little. "Yes, the bus is moving. It's a tour bus." He said, and smiled at me.

I felt stupid so I hid my face from him, and tried to pretend to go back to sleep.

I felt his one of his feet go between mine and he pulled me closer to him. "You're so cute when you're embarrassed." He breathed. I blushed.

I sighed and let the bus take me wherever the next stop was. I trusted these people to take me places that I had only dreamed of seeing.

Chad was with me, and I had a feeling something special was happening between me and Vic.

~ Vic's POV ~

I couldn't sleep because someone was watching television in the lounge, so I decided to get up and see who it was.

I unraveled my arms from Stella's body and quietly got out of the bunk without disturbing her from her  deep sleep.

I walked into the lounge to see Jaime laying on the couch watching soccer.

"Hey." I said, making him look up at me. He had dark bags under his eyes. "Why are you awake so early, it's only..." I checked my phone. "Not even noon." Jaime was drunk last night, meaning he should have slept until we got to the venue.

"I couldn't sleep," He said, looking back at the television.

"Why do I not believe you?" I said with wondering eyes.

He let out a long sigh and looked at his hands. "Lauren broke up with me last night." He said.

I really didn't like Lauren, she took advantage of him a lot, made him buy her drinks and what not. But I had to comfort him, because Fuenciado sticks together.

"I'm sorry man." I said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I know you didn't like her, and once I noticed she was using me, it was too late.." Jaime said.

I looked down, because I agreed with him, but I didn't want him to feel wrong. "Don't blame it on yourself, man."

I spent about an hour watching soccer with Jaime, until I heard someone open the door to the lounge. I saw Stella with her hands in her hair.

I smiled at her and held my arms open for her. "You know," She said and she sat next to me. "I don't have any clothes to change into, their all at my house."

"That's no problem, we have band merch here." I said. "You can wear a shirt of mine for now."

"Hi, Jaime." She said to him with a smile.

He looked over at her lazily. "Hey," He said.

She looked at me, obviously surprised at how bad he looks. I looked at her as if to say, 'Don't ask, I'll tell you later.' She understood.

She looked at the television screen and looked back at me. "I don't like soccer." She whispered and leaned on me. We stretched out on the couch and she put her head on my chest and went back to sleep.

~ Stella's POV ~

Two hours later, everyone was up and ready for the day. Me and Chad walked out of the bus and she looked around at all of the bands unloading guitar racks and amps and stuff.

She kept looking around and pointing, saying things like, "Oh my god that's the drummer of..." and stuff like that. I just looked around in horror at all of the confusion. I was surrounded by so many people again, and I only knew Chad. I stepped a little closer to her side.

"Calm down, Vic is working, I can't run you to him.." She said.

Her phone chimed in her pocket. She smiled at the message she got. "We're taking a break and Of Mice & Men are practicing the main stage, come find us. -Tony" Chad read from her phone. "Come on!" She said, dragging me away by my wrist.


Once we got to the main stage, there was less people then I though, considering the park wasn't open to the fans yet.

We saw all of them leaning against a fence by one side of the stage. Chad dragged me there again, as I frantically fixed my hair.

"Why'd you want us here so badly?" I asked Vic.

"Because," Vic said,

"We're teaching you how to rock." Jaime said with a smile.


More updates tomorrow.


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