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[Name] always knew that something was off about her sensei, Natsuyo.

From as far back as she could recall, he's never stepped out into the sunlight, and the only thing she's ever seen him eat or drink was Sake. Often times he'd leave her for days on end, warning her to never leave the house at night, being overly cautious of what lurked in the dark.

People in the village at the foot of the mountain always thought it was peculiar how she was able to make it through her early childhood, even more so when she had started selling sake at a young age.

"Now you've gone mad, there's never been a soul living in those mountains besides for you, why don't you come live with me here in town for a while darling." Some folks would insist when she told them that she lived with Natsuyo-sama. She'd always politely decline the invitation and move on to the next customer, not letting their words bother her.

Some days though, she almost was convinced that the villagers were telling the truth as she sat in the empty house. When the day's work was over, and all of the house had been ridden of any dust, she felt restless.

'I could be doing something more.'
'Is this it?'
'Will I have to arrange a marriage soon?'

In this home, it was just her and her thoughts. And since thoughts could cause her to dwell on unwanted matters, she decided to shut them off. It became a form of meditation for her. She realized, without the constant murmur of words running through her mind, she could take in a whole new level of perception of the world.

The vibrations in the air and ground, the beat of her heart, the circulation of her blood throughout her body, and the rush of air entering and exiting her lungs, it was all exhilarating to an extent. 

It opened up a whole new world of experiences, but it also closed off her level of communication. She'd find herself selling her week round of sake, buying rice and other supplies as quickly as possible in order to get home and away from the annoying disorder of vibrations, sounds, and colors that come from the village.

It was bound to happen, she lived alone on a mountain most of the year, and the children in the village below labeled her as a witch who talks to spirits. Other than for business, she didn't really want to leave the mountain, it was home.

However tonight, as she sat at the Kotatsu, barely awake, she felt someone approaching the house, a recognizable presence.


The man had been gone for a month and the last time he was home she noted that his steps held a weight different than that of villagers below the mountain. Of course, everyone's vibrations and scent differed a bit from person to person, but his were odd, they carried the same weight as death. Even though he was a kind man, his steps always held dark, sticky, boiling hot rage that left a lingering impression on the places he walked.

Tonight (Y/n) decided that she wanted to know more about Natsuyo-sama.

The girl waited until he stepped onto the porch to open the screen door, and before her stood Natsuyo, whose face hardened upon seeing her. He felt it too, the girl was changing, and with that change needed to come a shift. The man heaved a sigh before speaking. "[Name].... It's time for you to know about the secrets of this world."

As Natsuyo settled into the seat across from you, you poured him up a cup of the finest, well-aged sake you had on hand. He was the one who taught you how to ferment sake, and he said the main reason he choose to make his home on the mountain was for the air pressure that changed and perfected the fermentation process and flavor of the sake if you were able to keep it from freezing.

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