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if ur uncomfortable with sex scences go head and leave love you 😘

today melisa and bryson were alone the house was completely empty just the both of them and melisa had some things in mind👀.

today melisa and bryson were alone the house was completely empty just the both of them and melisa had some things in mind👀

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"bae come er" she yelled from the other room

and bryson came into the room with a clean smirk on his face alrrady knowing what he wanted to do for the day

"what is u tryna do" he eyed her up and and down and she bit her lip

"im tryna do whatever uu want"

hearing those words come from out her made him smile and walk towards her and lay her down on the bed kissing her body and helping her un bottom the bottom of  lingerie and pulled that part of it down before he started eating like his life depended on it as melisa gripped his hair and touched all over him at the pleasure she was getting

Adopted by Nle choppa💘.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora