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Y/ns pov
I said this in the description but this will obviously not be exact to the anime/manga because we have Y/n, so if I change a couple things please don't try and correct me because I'm quite aware, thank you!

The morning sunrise washes over my face causing the light to wake me, I look over to see Ponzu sound asleep still. I carefully get up and start to pack our bags so when she wakes up we can depart and search for Leorio.
After maybe half an hour of soaking up the sun and some relaxation Ponzu sits up rubbing her eyes, "good morning, how'd you sleep?" I ask with a smile, she stops rubbing her eyes and makes eye contact with me, "Pretty well, what about you? Are you feeling better?" She asks as she stands up, " yeah I am, thank you" I reply as I hand one of the packed bags to her "that's good! Now my bees don't sense Leorio since they're kind of close range.." she admits with a sort of embarrassed tone, "that's fine, I sense him he's still a couple kilometres away.. probably asleep." I respond "I just feel like I've been rather useless this whole time, I wish I were more like you.. strong, brave-" I interrupted her "Ponzu you've done plenty if it weren't for you I'd be burnt out and probably sick or something, you're taking good care of my stubborn ass." She looks over at me as we continue to walk with a look of gratefulness, we continued walking in a comfortable silence.
After maybe an hour of walking towards the south west Ponzu said her bees are picking up on something so she offered to take over and let me have a break which I'm grateful for.
A little bit more walking and we found him!!
"Leorio!" I call out to him Kurapika and Gon who were all going to what seemed to be the boat which is still further west "Oh Y/n hi!" He replies as Ponzu and I run over the the three of them, "Here we got the number badges" I hand them over with a smile, "Thanks a lot!" He chuckles and goes in for s hug which I decline but act like I didn't know he was trying to get a hug, I didn't really want a hug because I'm not the biggest hugger and Hisoka would find out somehow. "Y/n!!!" Gon chimes as he runs over "hey Gon, hey Kurapika, I'm glad you're all doing well." I reply still feeling bad about subtly rejecting Leorios hug, "We were just making our way to the boat, even though with still have another day, we thought we could just camp out and wait for it. And now that you're here I'm sure no one will mess with us" Kurapika adds on, "What do you say Ponzu? Wanna join them?" I turn to her and ask "fine with me" she responds "alright we'll join you" I respond with a smile.
Now the rest of the phase was pretty uneventful we quite literally hung around until the boat came and the ones who passed (Y/n, Ponzu, Pokkle, Killua, Gittarackur, Hisoka, Leorio, Gon, Kurapika and Honzo) all boarded the boat to the final phase, phase 5.
After everyone had gone to sleep I decided to take a step out and watch the waves our something, just a mental break.. being around so many people in such a small space for that long is really tiring, I walk on go the deck to see Hisoka rested on the railing just admiring the ocean and night sky reflecting off of it, my heart begins beating out of my chest! He looks so peaceful so.. cute wait what? Y/n keep it together don't embarrass yourself!
I walk over and stand next to him admiring the view as well, "Thanks again for that number badge, I really appreciate it" I muster up the courage to say "Its no problem I'm just glad that you're okay, I'll admit you had me somewhat worried~"

 cute wait what? Y/n keep it together don't embarrass yourself! I walk over and stand next to him admiring the view as well, "Thanks again for that number badge, I really appreciate it" I muster up the courage to say "Its no problem I'm just glad ...

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(Wholesome Hisoka :D)

he replies looking over and down at me since he's almost a foot taller than me (Y/n is 5'5 and Hisoka is 6'2) "Do you really not have faith that I can survive in such a basic test?" I reply with with a smirk (Yes I got bit by a snake but that was because I was saving someone ✋🙄) "Oh. No, I wasn't worried about your survival skills, I was worried about you and that Leorio character." He replies lifting my chin with his thumb and index finger to meet his gaze which causes me to immediately flush with red tones in my cheeks. "You're really that worried that I'd fall for him?" I let out a little chuckle "I was afraid he had fallen for you which would be unfortunate for him as I would have had to kill him" he says with his signature smirk "I'm only joking don't worry" he adds on as he let's go on my chin "Well, I enjoyed this but you should get some rest this next phase is difficult" he says before walking back. I stand there still star struck, I swear there's something about him that makes me feel like I'm in euphoria when I speak to him, I really hope I can see him after the exam.. "Enjoy your little rendezvous?" I hear Ponzu's voice tease from the doorway to the rooms of the boat, I turn to her while I leaned on the railing still thinking about his beautiful eyes.. he's just so tantalizing. "Oi Y/n I know he's gorgeous and all but you should sleep and dream about him for all I care." Ponzu says smacking my back to snap me out of my thoughts "Hey!" I respond with a frown "Go. To. Sleep." She replies as she crosses her arms "Finee but why do you care so much" I ask as we walk back "Well because you're like my best friend and I care about you and your health, and it's healthy to sleep so that's what I'm making you do" she responds holding the door for me as we walk in "Anyways Good night Y/n" she finally says before crawling into her sleeping bag thing as I do the same "Good night.. and .. thank you." I say before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Sorry if this seems rushed I just wanna get past this exam so Y/n can spend more time with Hisoka :)

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