Chapter 1

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You were 7 years old playing in your back yard, when your mom called you from the sliding glass door leading to the kitchen

M/n(mom name): Y/n come in lunch is ready!

Y/n: Okay I'm coming! (As you jogged into the house)

You and your parents sat down eating the sandwiches your mom made. Once you finished eating you took a bath and got ready for bed.

It was 3 o'clock in the morning when you had a nightmare about zombies. You woke up screaming activating your quirk witch you didn't know you had yet and went full dragon form destroying your parents house.

Your mom was a lawyer and your dad was a architect so they made quite a lot of money you having realized what happened calmed down. Your Parents came running to you seeing you transform back.

Y/n: Mommy!!, Daddy!! I got my quirk! I got my quirk!!

Your parents stared at you with fear and disgust. They ran away got in there car and drove away leaving you behind, you chased their car halfway down the block till you lost them.

You walked back home got your favourite Ben 10 backpack and put in some of the close you found. And a picture of you and your parents.

No one's POV

Y/n was walking down the street wandering around aimlessly, he was walking for three straight hours looking for anything, till he caught someone's attention.

??? POV (30 min ago)

I was on patrol walking threw a suburban neighbourhood and saw a house that looked completely destroyer, it was a big house from the looks of it 3 stories swimming pool 10 car garage.

"Must be a billionaires house or something wait...." Looks around the perimeter "This was recently destroyed, where are the people"

He looked everywhere not finding any dead bodies but he did find a child's room. He immediately called the police and other heroes to look for the people who lived there. He took a family photo just in case.

???: Hey everyone!

???: Why are we here Edgeshot

Edgeshot: Behind me is a house, recently destroyed there are no dead bodies or injured people.

People whispered amongst each other

Edgeshot: The what I am assuming parents left everything clothes, phone's, wallets everything. Their names are F/n and M/n. They have a son I'm thinking between the age of 6 and 8.

???:So we're here to look for them

Edgeshot: Yes Rock Lock

Rock Lock: Then let's get started

Edgeshot POV:

After 20 min of searching I got a call from police officer of a car crash 2 miles away with the two victims matching the people were looking for.

(Edgeshot ES)

ES: Officer Jung you called.

Officer: Yes here(he lifts a tarp covering the bodies)

ES: "Yes these are them these are the parents" Crap this isn't good where is the boy

Officer: Sorry but these were the only people in the car

ES :Damn "I need to find that kid"

No one's POV:

Back to y/n a certain person saw y/n change into a dragon and was interested in him, so they followed him. After 20 more min a man approached y/n.

???: Hello there boy

Y/n: Hello sir

???: What's your name and what are you doing here?

Y/n: My name is y/n and my parents ran away from me.

???: Well hello y/n my name is All for One, and why did they run away (he said with a mischievous smile)

Y/n: It's because of my quirk

AFO: What's your quirk

Y/n: Idk

AFO: Want me to help yo-

Edgeshot POV:

I was running through the streets looking for the kid when All Might came up next to me and said to follow him, so I did.

We saw the kid talking with someone all might seemed to know. He then went at a speed I could barely follow and punched the man in the face using his full strength.


AFO: All might! (He said with hate in his voice)

AM: Edgeshot take the boy quickly!

ES:ked up the boy and ran soon after I saw Gran Torino going to All Mights aid.

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