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//just a kick off cause its midnight n I'm bored out my mind n not tired ✨ADHD cHeCk✨//

Jays POV

I was getting mine and Hailey's coffee on our way to the district I went inside while hails waited in the truck, I was walking away as I saw the blonde hair, I could never forget she was talking to someone I've never seen before "I'm sorry to interrupt" I said as I walked up behind her she turned her head and her face went blank "Ava?" I was in shock it had been 7 years since I last saw the face in front of me "Sergeant Jay Halstead, I don't believe my eyes right now" I smiled at him damn he was looking better than ever "It's Detective now look its nice to see you but I have to get going" I say as I look down at the two coffees in my hands "My partner is in the truck waiting but I'll catch up with you soon" "yeah sure" I say as Jay hands me a card with his number on I watch him walk away and smile to myself

-in the truck-

"How long does it to get coff- Jay what's up" I say as I look up from my phone to see Jay looking as pale as a ghost Jay gets in the truck "huh, uhm nothing" "Jay you know I can tell when your lying" I look away from Hailey to see Ava coming out of the coffee shop "who is she?" "I uhm I met her in rangers her names Ava" "Oh ok, sorry to push" "No no, it's ok just caught me of guard I haven't seen her in 7 years" "Ok well we need to go its 7:53" "Yes boss" I say while giving Hailey a small smile

-later that day-

Hailey's POV

Jay gets up and heads into the breakroom he's been zoning out all day and he look emotionless when he grabbed his vibrating phone and walked into the breakroom my eyes followed his movements he's on the phone talking to someone I have a little guess who it is but I'm not going to push him. I quickly focus on my screen in front of me as Jay exits the break room and pockets his phone as he sits opposite me I make eye contact with him and mouth a 'you okay' he replies w a nod "It was her" Jay say randomly while filling out some paper work as there was no case so they were having a slow day catching up "oh, what did she want?" I reply "asked if we could get drinks tonight, I invited her to molly's so if I wonder off don't worry"

-that night at mollys-

General POV

"I thought she would of been here by now to be honest" Jay whispers to Hailey as he's still waiting for Ava to arrive " She'll be here don't panic" as Hailey says that Ava walks in beautiful as ever she has the perfect figure and she knows it, she's a bit over dressed but it's her first time at molly's, Hailey's jaw drops as Ava walks over and whispers "damn she's gorgeous" saying her thoughts without realising "Ava, Hey" Jay welcomes her "Hi, uhm I'm going to grab a beer then can we talk?" she directs at Jay, great no small talk straight to the point Jay thinks t o himself "Yeah, I'll come up with you"

they get Ava's drink and go and sit a a table for two "so how long have you been back? Jay asks "Just over three years, I did another two tours after you came home" Ava says while picking at the label on her beer bottle

Jay and Ava talked for hours about everything "I think I'm gonna head out it was nice to see you tho Jay" "Yeah, keep in contact we can meet up again sometime" Jay smiles and he stands up and puts his coat on "Cya, Jay" "Yep bye" with that Jay gets into the truck and drives back to his apartment with a smile on his face

-the next morning-

Jay was on his morning run at 5:45am like every morning "Jay, Wait up!" he hears someone shout form behind him "Ava?" "Morning" "Uhh, morning you run?" "Yeah got fed up of the gym mornings"

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