Multiverse takeover part 1

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Multiverse Takeover

Blues Pov

I was so excited it was my first day of school, though I was worried about being late because ink had forgotten to get me and he was my only way to get to the school. He should have got me twelve minutes ago. Just as I thought this ink rushed through a portal. "hey blue, sorry I'm late, I forgot," ink said. "it's fine," I replied "I can never expect you to be on time." we both giggled at this, we then went through the portal. So far today seems fun!

Dusts Pov

I was sitting on the floor wating for class to start when three students walked through the door. "sorry were late!" shouted one with a giant paintbrush. One wearing a strange looking crown said in an annoyed voice "you really need to get better at remembering things Ink." "sorry!" said the paintbrush one. So, the one with the paintbrush is called ink. "guys no arguing please!" said the shortest one who was dressed completely in a light blue colour. I have to admit the blue one is sort of cute. I look over to my friends and ask them "hey do you guys know who they are?" "ThE 0nE WITh tHe P@iNtBruSH ls CaLlED InK, thE YeIIOW OnE ls CAllEd Dre@M, tHE CuTe B-B-BlUe oNe WiTH THe BaNDana iS CAlleD BluEBerry OR bLUe fOr ShOrT," explained Error. "oh ok, thanks error!" I replied. I wondered why does that glitch think blueberry is cute?

Blues Pov

Me, ink and dream sat down on the floor. I looked over to the other group there was four members

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a black boned glitchy one, a gloopy octopus, one with black eyes with a strange liquid dripping from them and a tall one with his hood up, he turned around probably looking at us, his eyes were red with a blue ring around them. His eyes are really pretty, I thought, wait what am I thinking they're just red and blue circles! I turned to dream and asked him "do you know who they are Dream?" "of course, I do blue!" he replied "the black glitchy one is error, the one with the pure black eyes and target soul thing is killer, the one that looks like a gloopy octopus is my twin brother nightmare and the tall one with his hood up is called dust" Dust, that's a cool sounding name! I think as I look at the strange group of skeletons, ok well technically I'm just looking at the hooded one but that doesn't matter, does it.

Dusts Pov

I'm looking at the blue clad skeleton and its almost as if he's looking back at me but who would want to look specifically at me, there isn't really anything particularly interesting about how I look, is there. *sigh* He is so small and cute looking. "W-w-WHat @Re yOu lOOkinG aT dUSt?" error asked. "oh, nothing," I replied. "YeaH, sUrE y0u aRe." error said mockingly. "shut up!" I grumbled. Tsk, error is always so annoying and noisy and always trying to be a part of whatever you're doing. He's so annoying! I was snapped out of my trance by killer shouting "hey dust do ya wanna play uno?" "no thanks killer, maybe later?" I responded. "sure dust, we can play later if that's a better time for ya!" killer said sounding slightly annoyed that no one wanted to play uno with him. I went back to staring at the blue clothed skeleton. by now blue had stopped looking at dusts group and was now just looking around aimlessly. It was so cute; it was as if he didn't have a care in the world *sigh*.

Nobody's Pov

The teacher walked on to a stage and started talking. "welcome students, as you should all know you are split into two groups," the teacher explained, "some of you need to work on being nicer to other people, others need to work on being prepared that you may at some point in your life need to hurt someone. In the first class is dust, killer, error and nightmare. In the second class is blueberry, dream and ink. Occasionally some of you will be able to help teach the other class, ok understood, Now off to your classes."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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