"Chapter 1"

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Folding her clothes away into the wardrobe,she cleaned the wrinkles on the bed sheet and went down to the kitchen to have her dinner.Heating up the left up pasta from the  lunch she had her dinner half heartedly.

Eating food now has become a mear job to Mishti.It does not entices her as it used to when she had dinners with her husband.Now

Her ex-husband.

Misunderstandings,quarrles ,arguments used to be there daily dose from last six months.Its been two weeks since there divorce,a month since he is living in his parents house.And here Mishti is still living in their heavenly abode which has a lot of memories of there once happy relationship.

The apartment was on her name and he happily left it to her and moreover her parents were not so enthralled in having her back.They would cause chaos and would blame all the happenings on earth solely on her.

Finishing her dinner she sat on the couch in the living room switching channels to entertain herself.It was raining cats and dogs outside.There was a time she used to love rain.This monsoon she could not find in herself to go out and enjoy the pitter patter of rain drops.

Soon she found herself drowned in self accusation and fault finding.

Was she too much a thing to handle?

Was she not beautiful enough to be his life long partner?

Was it so easy to get rid of her?

Was divorce the last option?

Her thought process was disturbed by a long press of the bell.She looked at the wall clock which showed 10:10 pm.

Who would come to her meet at this hour?May be someone to meet her ex-husband.Except his family no one knows about their divorce.Its kept hidden from relatives and friends.

Muting the television sound she walked to the door and glanced through the peephole.With the lobby light outside her door she could recognize the person standing outside.Why is he here?

Opening the door she looked at her visitor.


Her ex-husband.

She looked at him from toe to top all drowned in rain.His hair disheveled water dripping from there ends,teeth chattering and a foot tapping continuously.Old habits hardly die.Everytime he used to wait for her to open the door,his foot used to bare his waring patience.

She stood stunned there looking at her breathtaking husband.Divorced or not she could not stop herself from drooling at her husband.

"Can I come in?"He spoke in his husky voice which sent shivers down her spine.Why was she feeling cold all of a sudden.

Nodding a yes she allowed him and closed the door behind him.Abir removed his wet shoes and placed them near the shoe rack on the plastic bag.He smiled to himself.The first good habit he learned from her is to always change the footwear at entry as it reduces cleaning efforts.

He wore his slippers from the rack which were still not removed by her.

"Why are you here Abir?"Mishti spoke as she found her voice back.He smiled to himself as he found that his presence still causes havoc in her body system

"My car had an oil leakage and could not start again.It was raining heavily and no mechanic was available at this oddly hour.I remembered our apartment to be near….ah...I mean your apartment is near so I thought to ask you for help."

"Hmm….Thats okay….You can stay."Mishti did not know what to tell him at this point.

Ask him to leave as he should not come to the place of a single woman at this odd hour?Or accuse his intentions and  his excuses as false.

"I will bring a towel to dry you up. ''Mishti left him standing in the living room and walked to her bedroom to bring him a towel.Abir followed her with an intention to have a look at the room he used to share with his wife.

Abir sat on the end of the bed and noticed the room.Just like he left two weeks back.There marriage photo frame on the side table,her favorite pic of her kissing him on his cheek at the wall on the front.

"You did not get rid of our things.I mean the room is the same as before"He spoke looking back as she shuffled in the closet to find his towel.

Turning around she walked to him and forwarded the towel to him"I don't use this room.I sleep in the guest room now."She spoke looking at him in the eyes,so that he could see the truth in her eyes.

Abir did not take the towel from her hands and ushered with his eyes to her to dry him up.Mishti hesitatingly took steps ahead and stood in between his legs.

Opening the towel in her hands she placed it on his head and started drying his hair.Bending forward he rubbed his forehead on her chest.

"Abir.Sit straight."She scolded him with a breathless voice.Why was he doing all this?

Torturing her with his touch.Making her crave for more which is formidable for her now.

With a loud thunder the lights went off and Mishti shrieked in terror.Darkness was her biggest enemy and a loud thundering was an addition to her fear.

She flew her arms around Abir's neck and hugged him tightly.Abir pulled her forward from her hips and made her sit on his laps with her legs wrapped around his torso.She hugged him like a koala bear.

He murmured softly in her ear to relax her."Relax sweetheart,it's nothing.You are safe here with me."

"Take deep breaths with me.In….Out….In ….out."He spoke as she inhaled deeply.

Soon mishti realized their position and mentally scolded herself.How dare she cling like a leech to her ex-husband?Does divorce give her any more rights like these?Will she be categorized into desperate divorced women?She had thoughts which wrenched her heart.

"Abir,we should not be like this…."Mishti could not complete her sentence as Abir entered his cold hands inside her top from back.His one hand started travelling up and the other dropped down and gripped her ass cheeks.

"Abir…."She gasped with the cold.

He placed his lips on her neck and peppered soft kisses there.His lips travelled up her jaw and now he started placing open mouth kisses on her throat.

He could feel her breast pressed to his hard chest.He knew she never wears a bra at home when they are alone but a lacy white panties will be covering her pussy down there.He had touched and tasted every part of her.He knew her body thoroughly.

Mishti could not bare the torture any more and placed her lips on his.She kissed him back softly capturing his her upper lip in her lips.

Kissing him after months of time felt like heaven,as if she suddenly found the lost part of her soul.

"If you are so desperate why don't you foster a child,just like you are?"He had spoken rudely to her once in their fight.

Mishti removed her lips from his and pushed his hands back from her body.Climbing down from his laps she straightened her posture."You..ca..n sleep here...I..I will be in the guest room."She stuttered.She did not dare look up at him and left for her room.Closing the door behind her she slapped herself hard.

How could you mishti?

How did you become so desperate that you were ready to sleep with your ex-husband?

That ex-husband who belittled you when you asked him to start planning their love child.


Hey readers.Here is a glimpse of their lives.Waiting to read your viewpoints.


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