Ch 2

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  "What about Salem? Is something wrong?" Y/n ask worriedly.
  "Salem is fine, for now."
  "What do you mean,'for now'?" She asked Aaron.
  "Salem.. Acquired the Ultima gene from my family.."
  "The what?"
  "The curse that runs in my family. It's always going to be there, and there's no getting rid of it. Until I was able to stay in control, my parents isolated me from as many people as they could. If she can't learn to control it, she could really hurt someone. Even kill them if she isn't careful."
  "So she'll have to stay away from people?" Y/n asked and Aaron nodded. "As long as she wears a blindold and knows to keep her eyes covered and her secret to herself, she should be alright. Her life just won't be- as normal."
  "..." Y/n fell silent at his words before starting to tear up. Aaron quickly noticed this and wrapped his strong arms around her in a tight and warm hug. "Hey, don't worry, she'll be okay. I won't let anyone hurt her, and I will most definitely not treat her the way my father treated me.
  She nodded and layed her head agaist his chest. "How long did it take for you to be able to control it?" She whispered. It was his turn to fall silent for a minute.
  "Um, well I've always had at least a little control over it, but when certain emotions became stronger, I had a harder time dealing with it."
  "Like which emotions?"
  "Any really. But mostly if I lost control of my anger or my sadness. The emotion that cured it for the most part was when I fell in love with you. I didn't want to scare you away, so I kept it a secret. But even just your being made me feel calm enough to keep the Ultima soul under control.."
  "I don't want her to be isolated her whole life.."  Y/n turned her head with her ear against Aaron's chest, listening to his calming heartbeat.
  He sighs gently. "She won't be. It'll be different for her than it was me." He sat his chin softly on her head as they stood there for a few minutes.
  After a little while, Y/n went outside to get Raina and Lowell. "Kids! Come inside and wash up, I want no mud on the floor, I just cleaned it!" Y/n's tail wagged aggressively for a moment before going back to swinging normally.
  "Coming Mommy!" Raina exclaimed, running to the door. "Race ya to the house Lowell!"
  "Hey,no fair! You got a head start!" Raina giggled and Lowell ran after her as the two ran back to us. The two wiped their feet on the carpet, took their shoes off, and then ran upstairs to wash up.
  I watched in amazement at my love as she did her normal thing and her and I worked on dinner together.
  "So basically after they play outside I work on dinner while they wash up and then they play in the living room or their bedroom while I finish up. After dinner I put on their favorite show and– Why are you looking at me like that?" She stopped in the middle of explaining their everyday schedule.
  I chuckled at how cute she looked. "No reason other than you're cute." She went a light pink tint which was adorable and then she continued.
  "A-Anyways. –—––" I listened to the rest of the schedule, taking in everything she was telling me.
  "Hey Aaron, can you go get the kids while I set the table?" Y/n asked me. I nodded, "Yeah no problem." I replied as

Third Person POV

Aaron made his way upstairs where he heard crying. "Papa! Over here, quick!" Aaron followed Lowell and ran into Salem's room seeing her standing there with tears falling from her red eyes and Raina on the ground.
  He ran to her immediately and knealt down beside her."Raina! Are you alright? What happened?!" She was crying, ears folded down. "Salem got annoyed at us for something and her eyes turned red. Then she pushed me and I fell and hurt my ankle. I-It hurts Papa."
  He looked over at Salem, then at Lowell. "Lowell go get mommy for me please. Lowell nodded and rushed out of the room and down the stairs.
  "I-I'm sorry Papa.." Salem said before backing away. "Hey, it's alright. We know you didn't mean it."
  "Aaron, I'm here! What's going on?!" Y/n ran into the room and over to Raina.
  "They got into an argument and Salem pushed Raina down with her Ultima strength. I checked her out, nothing seems too bad and she isn't bleeding. She said she might've hurt her ankle though." Aaron gave her a quick run down of what happened, receiving a nod from Y/n who leaned down next to Raina.
  Aaron stood up and walked over to Salem.
"No! Get away, I don't want to hurt you!" She exclaimed through her tears, eyes closed. "Salem, it's alright honey. You won't hurt me." Aaron made his way over to her side and wrapped his arms around her.
  Salem turned and cried silently into his shirt. "I-I didn't mean to hurt her, Papa."
  "Shhh, I know sweetheart, I know. Let me explain to you what happened, you're probably confused." She nodded and leaned back. "O-Okay.."
  "Salem, there is something about you that you must not let anyone know. Have you learned about the legend of the Ultima in school yet?" He asked her.
  She nodded again. "Yeah, we learned about it just recently. They said that's it's dangerous and cares about nothing more than chaos and death. They warned us to be aware of it in case it may still exist."
  Aaron furrowed his brows. "Salem.. That Ultima trait has been in my family for years." Salem's eyes widened with fear. "You got the trait from me, and I got it from my father, your grandfather." She began to tear up. "Papa, m I gonna turn into that big wolf monster?!" She asked scared qnd worriedly.
  "I don't wanna hurt anyone!" She finished. He wrapped his arms around her tightly. "No. We won't let that happen to you, I promise."
  "Is Raina okay?" She asked about her sister, referring to what had happened because of her. "Yes Salem, she's alright. You don't need to worry about her. We'll have her move either in the guest room or in your brother's room. Is that alright with you?" He looked down at his silver haired pup who bodded in response. "As long as it keeps her safe from me."
  Aaron sighed. "Look, Salem I know you're very confused and scared right noe, I was too when I was your age. But I promise you we won't treat you any differently then either of the other two. We'll keep you all safe. We'll give you some to cool down and choose if you want to go back to school or finish school at home, alright?"
  "Okay Papa." She hugged him tightly before letting go qnd making her way to her desk to draw. 'I swear on my life that you will never be treated by me like I was by my father.' He thought as he walked over to Y/n and Raina.

Coming Home (Aaron x Reader Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora