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Warning: This shit’s gonna get crazy! This is just for fun. I know he’s a 58 year old man in a 13 year olds body, there’s a lot of controversy around this character, but the ideas and the story is purely fictional and for fun. All affiliated characters are not mine.

My name is Delores L/n, and I was born on October 1st 1989. I have the ability of shape-shifting. The only catch is, I can only turn into something, if I had touched it previously. 

When the apocalypse came, I was in the store working my shift, and then there was a flash of light. The lights in the store exploded, and everyone started screaming. There was a loud boom that shook items off the shelves, and the crowd pushed each other out of the store.

As for me, I was pushed and fell into something. I looked around me and saw dismembered mannequins.  I saw a wave of fire coming towards me, I instantly turned myself  into a mannequin to survive.

Unfortunately, I am stuck in this shell and can't transform back. I wonder if anyone survived, because if no one did, I would be stuck here forever, or at least when I die.

 I don’t know how long it has been, I’ve been on the floor, staring at a barren isle. Then one day, I realized that I wasn't the only one who survived, a young boy came into my view. He was gathering things I suppose.

God, I wish that I could speak.’

As if fate was on my side, something in the boy’s arms dropped to the floor, and it rolled in my direction.

He noticed and ran after it. He reached for it, but stopped.

He was looking at me.

He stepped over whatever he was after, and picked me up.

He sat down cross-legged on the floor and sighed. 

“I see you survived too.” The young boy said.

“It must be boring, all cooped up in here.”
It was as if he was really talking to me, like he knew exactly what I thought.’

He laughed to himself. 

“Well, don’t worry. You’ve got a survivor buddy now.” He put his hand down to push himself up, “Ouch!”

He looked at his hand, then looked at the floor. He picked up something, and inspected it.
It was a metal rectangular badge, that must be my name tag. 

“Delores, huh?” He smiled. 

“You can call me Five.” The boy said.

That was forty-five years ago. As Five grew older, I stayed the same, because I’m a mannequin. Although one day, Five was off duty from the commission and he was reading Vanya’s book, again.

He laughed through his nose, “Can you believe this, Delores?” He asks. 

‘No, I cannot. You should work on your equation.” I thought.

 “Yeah, you’re right.” He says closing the book, “I just cant figure out this part, here.” He pointed. 


‘Well, have you checked the books?” I thought, referring to the many books of equations and algorithms.

 ‘Maybe there’s something there that you missed.” I thought.

Five groans. 

“I’ve looked through those a billion times. It all seems to check out.” Five rubbed his face. 

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