3: Trigger Words

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A/N: I am so sorry for not updating this, I work on other things outside of this, and I just realized I haven't updated this since May. Oops... also sorry if I used the Russian wrong, I speak English and French only, so I had to use google translate. Also, I used some info from the comics for this, and the word 'sputnik' is supposed to be a fail-safe word for Bucky to deactivate The Winter Soldier programming. I did not proof read!

Note: *** those will be used to change POV or just to establish a scene change. I'm just making a note of it since I didn't do it in the previous parts:)


"He's from HYDRA."

Steve replied to Bucky's panicked statement with a question, "What's your point, Buck? (Y/n) spent most of his time at a rundown diner, and barely can control the power he has. He's not a threat. You shouldn't get yourself so worked up about someone so weak."

"That's not my point, Steve. A weak person can still make a phone call and the next thing we know, HYDRA is surrounding the compound," Bucky exclaimed, getting louder at the end to emphasize his point.

Steve shushed him, "Buck, (Y/n) is in the next room over. If he is with HYDRA, then you wouldn't want to alert him that we're on to him."

"Okay, let's go talk somewhere else then."


Neither Bucky nor Steve knew that you were awake to hear the whole thing. You stared at the white-tiled ceiling as they spoke, what they had said caused your mind to race with a million questions.

Am I really from HYDRA? How come I don't remember much before the diner? Wait, how long had I even been working there? I can't even remember when I applied-

Every question you had faded when you heard someone approaching the lab, and the door had opened⁠—it was Tony. He came over to the bed you laid on, "Hey, champ. How are you doing?"

You sat upright and faced him, "I'm good, and why are you talking to me like I'm a kid?"

"Well to me, you're a kid. You're inexperienced, and what? Thirty years younger?"

You scoffed at him and combated his insult with your own, "Try forty, because what are you? Sixty?"

He looked at you, pretending to be shocked, "I'll have you know I'm forty-five."

"Alright old man, whatever you say. Am I okay to go do stuff," You asked him. Even though you had slept most of the time that you were in the lab, just being in there for five minutes was already making you go stir crazy. The place was full of medical equipment and various machines that intimidated you, the thought of what they would be used for couldn't even be conjured in your mind.

"If you mean stuff like using your powers, then, no. Both myself and Bruce wouldn't recommend it, you should let your powers rest for a few days. Everything else is fine though," Tony said, leaving the room after you gave him a nod that you heard what he said.


A red notebook was handed to Steve, a black star was embedded on the front that caused it to be slightly raised from the rest of the book. It matched the same symbol on Bucky's metal arm.

Steve quirked an eyebrow at Bucky, "What are you planning to do with this?"

"Do you know how I had trigger words so that HYDRA could use me? Well, I figured we could use these words to try and activate what HYDRA put in (Y/n)," Bucky said. Steve thought he was acting too eager to do this.

Steve sighed and set the book down on a nearby table, "Really, Buck? Doing something like this would be dangerous. Do you remember how deadly you were?"

"I know, Steve. But I have a plan, and now would be the perfect time to do it."


You were sitting alone at the island in the kitchen, eating some food to try and regain some of your strength. It didn't feel great to be alone in a place you were still unfamiliar with, but everyone was out doing either Avenger's related things or just trying to live a normal life.

The sound of footsteps grew louder as someone entered the kitchen⁠—this time, it was Steve. You swiveled the white chair you sat in around to greet him, but kept yourself from doing it when you saw the reluctant look on his face.

"Is everything okay, Steve," You asked, giving him a slight smile at the end to try and brighten his mood.

He didn't say anything. He simply placed his hand on your right arm and pulled you up out of your seat with force, and started dragging you down the hallway he just came from.

"Steve, what the hell?! Where are you even dragging me," You asked him, but he didn't respond.

You decided that it was pointless to do anything. Steve was stronger than you physically, so fighting it would have been impossible to win.

After a few minutes, Steve shoved you into a room. From what you could tell, it was an interrogation room. A mirror bordered the wall to your right, and Bucky leaned against the wall across from the entrance. There was a metallic table that sat in the center of the room, and the metallic chair that accompanied it had been scooted back against the wall to your left.

Steve pulled you to the table and pushed you down onto the chair. He glanced over to Bucky with a look on his face, it was the same look of uncertainty that he gave you when he grabbed you minutes before. Steve finally let you go, but his grip was immediately replaced by Bucky's as he grabbed the handcuffs that rested on the table and latched one end onto your wrist. The other end was already cuffed to a bar on the table.

You examined the table fully to see another set of handcuffs on the opposite side of the table⁠— presumably to cuff your other wrist⁠—and a red book with a star on it facing Bucky.

"James and Steve, this is not funny," You said in a serious tone, glaring at James then into the mirror that faced you, assuming Steve was on the other side.

Bucky picked up the booked and turned to one of the pages, you couldn't see what was on it though.

"I'm ready to start, Steve," he said. Steve replied with an 'okay' over the intercom.

You questioned him in a panic, "Start? Start what?"

"Shut up and listen, (Y/n). You are going to listen to each word I say, and don't interrupt me," Bucky commanded, his words were effective. You wouldn't talk for a whole year if he told you to.

He scanned over the page and started talking, keeping his eyes glued to the page, "Toska, Rzhavyy, Semnadtsat', Rassvet, Pech'." (Longing, rusted, seventeen, daybreak, and furnace)

You kept glancing at him expectantly, unsure of why he was saying random words to you. He looked away from the book and noticed you hadn't reacted at all.

"Devyat', Dobrokachestvennyy, Vozvrashcheniye domoy, Odin, Gruzovoy vagon," (Nine, benign, homecoming, one, and freight car) Bucky closed the book. He peered down at you, a feeling of nervousness crept upon him, what if he was wrong? What if he had made a mistake? If you really weren't from HYDRA, he'd feel so bad.

He was about to leave when you muttered a few words.

"Gotovy sootvetstvovat'." (Ready to comply)

He moved over next to you and bent down to be on your level, "What did you say, (Y/n)?"

You said it louder, "Gotovy sootvetstvovat'."

"Okay, sputnik," Bucky watched attentively as you didn't react to it. That's when it hit him, HYDRA must have used different deactivation words for you and Bucky.

His eyes widened and he pulled you into a hug, "Oh my god, (Y/n). I am so sorry."

You were trying to push Bucky off you, HYDRA's brainwashing had taken an effect on you and Bucky knew that. He also knew getting you back from your HYDRA brainwashing wasn't going to be easy. Steve came in as Bucky released you from his grasp.

"How are we going to get him back to normal, Buck?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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