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After a quick stop at the Smithsonian to help Bucky brush up on some of his past, we somehow ended up in Romania, I tried everything I could to help Bucky with everything. He was having a hard time understanding what had happened to him and an even harder time understanding what had happened to me. We each remembered fragments of the experiments we had undergone, but neither us remembered ever being together for them. On top of trying to remember we were also having a hard time just being around each other. We both had misplaced anger and no way of unleashing it. He was angry at me for just being like this and I was angry at him for being so disconnected. It made it hard to even talk about what we had been through or even just talk in general. We spent more time arguing than we did bonding. It was beginning to reach a breaking point.

"You can't keep treating me like this. I'm trying to help you Bucky."

"You shouldn't even be alive to help me. You should be dead, in the ground after living a full life."

I stared at him, anger radiating through my body, "Fuck you."

He glared at me and shook his head. "How did you even get caught? Why did you get caught?"

"I was trying to live Bucky. I didn't go out asking for Hydra to take me. Newsflash, they found me you asshole."

"Well given your track record I bet it wasn't too hard."

My fist connected with his face before I could even think. His head snapped back at me and I wondered if this was finally going to be the moment we attacked each other.

"You don't hit me again."

"Well if you stop being a dick i won't hit you."

"When did you get so foul mouthed huh? I know you weren't like this before."

"Well if you'd given me more than three seconds of your time, you would have noticed that I wasn't the proper girl I was supposed to be."

"And if you had just acted like every other girl your age maybe you wouldn't be here right now."

"And maybe you would still be Hydra's little bitch."

After that fight we didn't talk for weeks. He suggested that I go back and I was honestly considering it. As much as I had missed my brother I was quickly realizing that this version of him was not someone I wanted to be around. Even worse, this version didn't seem to care if i was around either. One night I'd had it and just decided what the hell. I started throwing my things in my bag as Bucky walked into my room.


"Well doesn't seem like you want me around so yeah."

He walked over to my bed and sat down.

"Becks," I looked over at him and he sighed, "I do want you around. You help you do. But there's so much going on in here that I can't." He pointed to his head and I sighed.

I walked across the room, sitting down next to him on my bed and took his metal hand in mine. "I know the feeling. It took me a long time to get past what happened and some days I still get stuck in it. Being tortured, brainwashed and used is not something you just get over. It's been 19 years since I got away and some weeks are harder than others. I just thought if I was here maybe I could help, but maybe you need to be alone."

He squeezed my hand and I looked at him. "I will always need my sister. There's no doubt about that. As much as I hate this happened to you, I'm glad you're here."

"How about I go see if Fury needs me and then I come back?"

"Yeah, that sounds good."

I stood up and started packing again. "Maybe the time apart will be good for you. Help you get past stuff on your own and when I get back we can start over? Go back to being the big brother and the annoying little sister."

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