Fighting to live

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My boots echo through the dark hall as I make my way towards the metallic tomb that is my home and prison. The cold bars beckon me, their gold material glowing slightly as I get closer. I walk into the room, noting the water puddles just to the right of the metal chair they're waiting for me to sit in.

"Mission report," the soldier snarled as I sat down before him. The seat is cold and hard underneath me. The cold penetrates my clothing and a slight shiver courses through my body.

"Mission successful, target eliminated." I said and he nodded, his glasses falling slightly down his nose.

"Good work Soldier," he walks over to me, his meaty hands pushing me back.

I leaned back, trying to relax my muscles. It was time for my 'treatments'. He put the mouth guard in and I rammed it against my teeth. I tried to brace myself for the pain that was going to happen, but it's never enough. I scream as the pain radiates through my left eye and down my entire body. I feel myself begin to slip into the part of my head that doesn't feel the pain and wait until it's done.

Finally it's over and the machine lets my head go as I slump forward slightly.

"Put her back under." I hear as fancy shoes appear before me.

"Sir?" The soldier asks the man who just walked in.

"You heard me, she's been out too long. We'll wake her again when we need her." he turns and walks out.

I watch as the soldier prepares the syringe that I know will knock me out as soon as I'm placed in that damn tube.

He grabs me roughly from the chair and drags me from the room, past the cages of other experiments until finally throwing me into the cold, empty room that's been my bedroom for as long as I can remember. I stare at the brass tube, I already dread the cold that's waiting for me and I'm instantly calculating ways to get away from these assholes. I feel the muzzle of a gun in my lower back, it's weight pressing painfully against my spine.

"Get," he points to the tube and I obediently walk to it.

He pushes me back and roughly injects the needle into my arm. Before I know it my entire body is relaxed and I'm starting to get tired. I try to fight the sleep as hard as I can, but my muscles feel heavy as do my eyes. I don't want to experience another dreamless sleep.

"Sleep soldier." He says before closing the tube, my eyes closing as the icy cold takes over my entire body.

"Soldier," I hear as I gasp, my entire body coming alive as the cold starts to fall away.

I try to stand at attention, but it's taking everything I have not to fall to the ground. The cold is still in my very veins, but these fools don't seem to understand that.

"Soldier!" he yells and I know I have seconds to get to attention or I'm going to be punished.

I gather as much strength as I can and stand at attention. My mind doesn't register with this man. He's not the same man who put me to sleep last time.

"You have a mission." He says before turning and walking to the door.

I follow obediently, trying not to fall over from the pain.

"Don't make me punish you. Obey." He snarls before grabbing my arm and dragging me with him.

I look to the left and see a tube in one of the rooms that looks just like the one I'd been pulled out of, but I don't have enough time to look at it as I'm thrown into another room by the soldier dragging me.

I swear, I lived....Where stories live. Discover now