the pre-teen misfits

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After school just ended I was walking home." Hey johnny" someone yelled, low and behold it was my friend and partner in "crime" derick jones. "Hey wassup man how did school go" "it was trash like always" I said with a saddened tone.
"What happend this time man" he said with sarcasm " Brian Thompson called my sister a bitch". "Oh man I'm sorry he said that to you man" "dont kiss my ass derrick, he got what came to him" I said.

"What did you do" derick said with curiosity. "I beat his face in, that's what I did" i said
Now when I said that dericks face lit up like christmas lights."you beat up Brian Thompson, the biggest jerk in school" "yep I did, and it felt amazing". "So what will you do if Brian finds you, you know what he will do to you right". I knew when I went back to school Brian was going to be pissed as all hell, I knew karma was coming after me one way or another.

"I dont know, maybe I'll pay for bodyguards huh" I said jokingly.
"Haha like you could even get a penny" derick spit back. "Ouch... that hurt man.... I get paid" I said " no you don't.... well maybe get paid with fake money, the hell if I know"."Haha very funny man, uhhhh I need to get a job"
" yeah right who's gonna hire a 10 year old boy....Oh yeah, nobody". "Oh come on man, in sure someone will hire me......either that or I can mow grass for 10 bucks".
"Yeah good luck with that my friend"

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