I realized that both Dax and I were already in our twenties. I was twenty-two and Dax just turned twenty-one. We know each other since we started training in Pavrax. The things I would do to go back to those days. I sighed things didn't get any better in Menos. Dax knew that it was never my plan to stay. It was just that Nemesis somehow always found an excuse to let me do something.

In the distance, I saw the Tower. The Tower of the Knights. It stood tall and proud, its ancient stones weathered and worn by the passage of time. It was built against the side of a mountain, with a waterfall tumbling down on the rocks to its left. The sound of rushing water filled the air, mingling with the creaking of the tower's timbers and the rustling of leaves and vines that clung to its walls.

Moss and plants grew all over the tower, their tendrils creeping up the walls and twining around the windows and doors. It was as if the tower was alive, a living thing that had grown out of the mountain itself. The stones were dark and rough leaving gaps and cracks where the plants could take root while the rest of the stones would slowly crumble away.

Despite its age and the ravages of time, the tower still stood strong. It was a testament to the skill of its builders, and to the power of the magic that had been woven into its very fabric. The tower had seen many things over the centuries and had been witness to countless battles and wars. But it had always stood firm, a beacon of hope and strength in a world that was often dark and uncertain.

The tower was home to the knights that lived in Menos. Many would come and go and only a few stayed. And so, it was also my home. Dax and I flew up alongside the waterfall. I felt water across my arms and wings. I smelled the moss and plants that covered the rocks. When we were all the way up we landed at the entrance.

The sun was completely gone and only a dark blue covered the sky. When we finally landed, Nemesis was waiting at the entrance. His face said enough to let me know that our early morning conversation was still fresh in his memory. Dax felt the tension but remained calm and spoke before I could say something.

''What's the plan? Are we going to the council right now''

''Good to see you.'' Nemesis started. His tone was beyond annoyed.

''We leave for the council in 2 minutes. Fallon is gathering everyone right now so you both made it in time.''

Nemesis was talking to us while Fallon, a knight with white hair and markings came into view at the entrance. Behind her followed a few other knights who were currently staying in the tower. Most of the time it was just me, Dax, Nemesis, Fallon, Jayden, and his sister Enora. We were the owners of the tower and made sure that other knights could come and go without problems. ''Everyone ready?'' Nemesis asked Fallon who arrived.

I looked over my shoulder to the castle. Forgetting the conversation that played in the background. Although Menos had a council that ruled over the city of Nakoa, they had a castle big enough that every council member had a room. The entrance of the castle was a big shaped lion from stone. From the lion, you could see the whole city.

The city was nestled at the foot of the mountain, and it was surrounded by more mountains, creating a natural fortress that protected it from the outside world. The castle was built up into the sky. The towers reached higher than some of the mountain peaks.

In the very beginning when Menos was a small village, they build it at the foot of the mountain. As Menos grew they build further up the mountains. That is why the Tower of the Knights is built on the cliff. The tower was built when the first knights were sent to Menos to settle there and protect the village.

When Liontara formed the council of Arcade the knights were no longer needed and the council build the castle to settle. At first, the knights offered that they would renovate the tower. But of course, the high-class council members from that time would never settle in the old tower.

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