Peter could tell that they were smiling menacingly under the mask. His voice had become more threatening with each word passing threw his lips.

"So, Spidey, I know you're here. Why don't you come out and play?" He teased, singing the words and skipping along as if this were a game.

To him it probably was.

Lots of people were now looking around, trying to see if anyone was going to fess up.

"No takers I see" the imposter laughed after a short beat of silence.

"How about now?" Spider-Boy then pulled one of the poor students in the front row over to where their principle was still standing helplessly.

He then pulled a knife out of seemingly nowhere, and held it to the kids neck.

"You gonna fess up now?!" He shouted, scaring some of the teens. Peter heard a sob coming from somewhere.

He had to do something.

He looked at Ned, who looked back with a worried glance.

Peter then looked back at the villain, the student in his hold now crying.

If he didn't reveal his identity that kid was going to get injured, and many more probably.

The whole point of a secret identity is to keep people safe, but if I don't reveal mine I'm going to hurt people anyway.

Without a second thought, Peter forcibly stood up.

People started to stare at him in shock, until everyone was looking at him. Including Spider-Boy.

"I'd advise you to let the kid go Spider-Boy" Peter shouted. His voice carrying around the room.

"So you're the famous Spiderling?" Was all they said in response, still gripping the student.

"I said, let him go" Peters fists clenched. He'd outed himself. The least this bitch could do was leave everyone else out of this.

"Fiiine" he winged, but let them go. The kid ran back to his seat as their friends fussed over them.

"Now Spider-Man, you gonna fight me like a man or a boy?"

Peter secretly activated his web shooters, feeling them materialise into place, giving him a boost of confidence.

Yeah, his whole school was here, watching him. And yeah, he wasn't wearing his suit and they all knew who he was.

But fuck it.

With that, Peter shot a web at the ceiling and swung straight at the villain. He crashed into him with force as he was quite far up the seats.

Spider-Boy grunted as he was flung into the opposite wall.

"GO SPIDER-MAN!" Ned shouted from his position in the stands. Peter turned around and smiled at his friend.

He felt his spider sense go off, so he swivels around and caught a fist that was coming for him.

But it wasn't Spider-Boy's fist.

Peter Parker OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now