Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Sophia's POV

I dashed out of my dressing room, heading for the font of the theater where people entered and exited. I hoped this was quick, I really wanted to talk to Quinn a little more before everyone headed home. She was one of the sweetest people I knew and I enjoyed my chats with her, perhaps a little to much. The lobby should be cleared from everyone who had been at the show that afternoon, it had been a little while and it is, except for a man in his mid 20s sitting in a chair. He smiles and waves me over. I feel a little uneasy, should I go grab Alex or something? No, it would be fine, I'd just be quick. I walked cautiously towards the boy.

"Hey Sophia, right?" His voice was normal enough but something about it that just felt, poisonous. I felt really uneasy.

"Uh, ya."

"I need your help with something."

"Uh," I say at a loss for words as my heart begins to beat faster.

"Don't worry it should only take a moment." His smile is getting wider by the second. I can feel my hand getting clamier. This wasn't right. I take a deep breath.

I actually need to uh... go, sorry," I say attempting to head back to my room but he grabs my arm. I scream. Loud. As loud as I can make my voice go (which is pretty loud considering the whole Broadway actress thing) but I can only get out one quick note before his hand is clamped over my mouth. I hope it's enough to get someone's attention but deep down I know it's not. The theater was decently sound proof from the lobby. I try to squirm out of his grasp but he adjusts his grip to be tighter. I know I'm stuck.

"I didn't want to do this, my dear, but if you insist," he says in my ear. It sends shivers down my spine. "I just need you to point me in the direction of Quinn Aizler. Know her?" Wow, Quinn must really been in deep trouble. He slowly lifts his hand off my mouth. I take my opportunity and scream again. His hand immediately rushes to my mouth.

"Let's try this one more time, shall we," he says gruffly "do you know where she is."

"No and even if I did I wouldn't tell you," I yell. I feel him smile.

"Tooo bad. I was really hoping you would make this easy," he says in a slippery voice. I feel a shift in his weight and his arm locks around my throat so tight, I'm practically gasping for air. I feel him slowly pull something from inside a pocket or bag. A gun passes through my line of vision.

"See this sweetheart and don't worry, it's loaded," he says showing me the bullets. He moved the gun so it's pressing against my temple. "So I'll ask you again, where is she? I feel the gun click. Tears are streaming down my face and I'm shaking like a leaf. 'I'm so sorry Quinn' I think.

"She's in my dressing room," I sob out.

"And where might that be," he says, grinning.

"Through that door," I gesture with my head "down the hall and take a right. It has my name on it." He begins to walk, still holding me mostly by my neck. It's taking all my willpower not to grab at his hands. It feels like an eternity before we reach my dressing room. I know that if I make a wrong move, I'm dead. He knocks on the door.

"Can I come in," he asks sweetly. Quinn must think it's Adam or Rob or something because she answers.

"Sure, but it's just me, Sophia's up front," she answers. The man bursts through the door and I see Quinn's face contort in fear. She is completely frozen but then I see her soften a little. "Sophia, are you alright," she asks. I want to tell her I'm fine but the man's grip around my throat is too tight. To my surprise Quinn just rolls her eyes. "Let her speak," she says, cocking her hip. The man reculty loosens his grip. What the heck was happening. I nod to answer her, not trusting my voice. Quinn's about to say something but then the man speaks.

"She's alright for now, little sister, but if you want to keep it that way I suggest you come with me, " he threatens. Quinn's brother? This was Quinn's brother. I shiver a little and his arm returns to my throat so I am pretty much choking. Quinn thinks for a moment.

"Put her down and I'll go with you," she proposed.

"Come with me and I'll put her down." Quinn chuckles a bit at that.

"I know you, once you have me who knows what you'll do. You're in the position of power. It wouldn't be hard for you to pull the trigger on my friend here. So once again put her down and I'll come with you."

"Well ,well my you aren't as much of an idiot as I thought," he cackles. Then I feel his hands loosen around me and I am pushed into the couch.

"Quinn, no," is what I wanted to say but it doesn't come out right. My voice wasn't working. He had damaged my vocal cords or something.

"Shut up," he yells at me. Quinn walks over to him. I don't know what I was expecting next but it was definitely not what happened. Quinn hesitates for just a second before punching her brother in the face, kneeing him the groin, and then punching him one more in the stomach until he is on the floor. That's when Leslie and Kerry show up.

"What in the name of...," Leslie started but then she noticed the scene in front of her. A young man crumpled at the door of Sophia's dressing room, Quinn shaking and pale with tears streaming down her face, and me huddled on the couch with a large bruise across her neck from where I had been choked. "What happened," she says, much softer. I try to speak, to tell them and spare Quinn the explanation but then I remember, I can't. Once again, my voice comes out throaty and painful. Kerry wanders over to me and tells me to rest my voice. She puts a hand on my shoulder, looking worried. Quinn collapses on the ground, a crying mess.

"My, my brother," she attempts but she's too upset to get out anymore. However, that gives the adults enough to understand at least a little of what happened. Leslie immediately rushes off to tell everyone. I stand up, heading over to Quinn. I sit down on the floor right next to her and she quickly leans against me. It's then I realized that these next couple of days were going to be intense, taxing, and more than anything, dangerous. 

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