Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Quinn's going to have a bad day. 

Edit: I wrote this chapter somewhere else and then pasted it here and I am now realizing there is more of it. So that has been added. 

Warning: Abuse and Rape. Looking back this chapter is pretty intense. 

Quinn's POV, 2 weeks later

"God Quinn, why are you such a freakin failure," my brother yells in my face. I cower further into the corner. "You can't even come home from school at the right time, what a freak. Just go kill yourself or something."

"I'm sorr..r..y," I sutter, terrified. This wasn't the first time this had happened but each time it did, I found myself paralysed with fear, unable to fight back. I had been at my usual Cafe for my daily classes. I was generally a happy, energetic person but around him I could barley speak. He knew I was enrolled in online college courses and he was already on edge about me leaving everyday to attend them. If he had it his way, I would stay home all day under his watchful eye. The beating was my fault, I should have hurried home but a rainstorm had rolled in and it was so hard to see. I came home to my older brother waiting at the door and I knew I was in trouble. The beatings had gotten worse in the last 2 weeks, ever since he found out I went to Queens on the weekends to get away from him. Everyone was running from something, this was my something. Because of the whole Queens thing he had refused to let me eat and I had lost a lot of weight. At frist I just ate at the Cafe but then I lost me appetite. Normally he would bounce back and lift whatever punishment had been inflicted (in this case, lack of food) after a week or so but that wasn't happening and I was starting to get scared.

"You're sorry," he says, mimicking my tone "you're so pathetic." He turns around and, for a moment, I feel relief but then he quickly whips around and brings his fist down on my cheek. I want to scream out but I know that will just make it worse so I hold my tough.

"No cute little scream?" he says tauntingly. "Do I need to hit you harder." So maybe I was wrong, maybe I should've screamed. I quickly shake my head. A malicious smile spreads across his face. "I bet I can make you scream." The look on his face was dangerous. I knew what this meant. I can feel myself shaking in utter fear. Then, I feel his foot make contact with my head and everything goes dark.

I blink, slowly opening my eyes. The sun is streaming in through the window and it takes my eyes a minute to adjust. When they do I look around, accessing my surroundings. My brother's room. That couldn't be good. I sit up, feeling beaten and sore. It's not only regular beat up sore, but special sore. Down there sore. Sure enough, my underwear are sitting across the room. I feel a lump in my throat. Something else would be posted to The Website.

The Website was one of the more sinister things my brother had ever thought up. Once when he was looking to make an extra buck he recorded himself, well, raping me. He made a website and sold the videos for money. I had been expected to play along and make everything seem like it was consensual. My parents knew about his abuse towards me but they didn't know about that. I would like to think if they did, they would put a stop to it but deep down I knew there was a chance that wasn't true. I look down at my hands and feeling a tear fall down my cheek. I cried every time I thought about The Website. I shock my head and straightened up. I needed to be in school in 20 minutes and I couldn't be here.

No, I needed to get to the Cafe. I stand, feeling dizzy and tired but I attempt to splash some cold water on my face though I wince in pain. The house feels quiet and I assume my brother isn't here, he usually isn't in the morning. I grab my backpack and feel my heart jump when I realize I don't have any of the school work for the day. I do my best to forget about it. I know I must look terrible, bruised and tired and hungry but I don't have time for makeup or food. I would just keep my face down.

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