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Recently Leo has been acting strange. He's not his usual noisy cheerful self, and it's making Knights worryーespecially Izumi.

Tsukasa saw Leo sitting at a nearby bench just besides the fountain with music sheets scattered all over the floor.

Tsukasa sighed and approached his senior. "Leo-san you can't just composer anywhere you like. You're making a mess please pick this up."

"Uh-huh, I will, so shut up will you?" Leo said, biting his nail. "Tch, no this isn't right.." he said as he scribbled through the music sheet and threw it with the rest of the piles of music sheets besides him.

Tsukasa sighed again, "Alright then, I'll be on my way now, Leo-san"

Again the next day Tsukasa spotted Leo once again. This time at the es lobby scratching his head, as he keeps on tapping his pen onto the table,  looking at the blank music sheet.

Tsukasa didn't think of it that much not until he saw his senior about to bite his hands. He quickly approached Leo and stopped him biting his hand.

"Whaーwhy'd you slapped my hand!?"

"Because you were about to bite your hand"

"Oh, am I? I didn't know since once I'm absorbed with composing I lose control over reality hehe~" Leo said, laughing, "So I didn't know what I was doing!"

"But Leo-san, you haven't even write anything at all? The music sheet is blank." Tsukasa pointed out, "Are you perhaps feeling down or something?"

"Huh? Impossible! I am perfectly fine!" Leo said, "Hey, don't you have something to take care of with the, uhhh, the new recruits?"

"Oh yeah, I do. Well, then I'll be going now, Leo-san"

"Yeah, yeah, bye!"


A while after the meeting, Tsukasa, called his senior, Izumi.

"You called? What do you need, Kasa-kun?"

"It's about Leo-san."

"Ah, Leo-kun? Yeah I know, he's been feeling down for the past few days. Did he bother you? If so, sorry about that."

"Sena-senpai aren't you the one who is suppose to look after Leo-san?"

"Yeah? I know that, but as you can see I am super busy with my modeling job and I rarely have time for myself too. But I'm trying my best, ok?"

"Well, you should've try even harder."

"..Do you think its that easy?"

"Is giving someone time and affection that hard for you? You told us you'll take care of Leo-san, so please do it properly"

"Oh? If its easy then you should do it yourself. You have no idea how I am trying my best to get Leo-kun back to his normal self. Do you think I can just turn a depressed person back to their normal self in just one night? I can't just bidibadibu his depression like that and be all 'Tada~ it's gone!"

"No it's not like thaー"

"Just. Just trust me on this one ok? And remember just because you are the new king that doesn't mean you can treat me like a peasant who can't do things right. I'm your senior remember? Respect me will you? Just who raised you to the person you are right now except for your parents? Me."

"I'm sorry Sena-senpai.."

"Yeah, no it's ok I am also at fault here, so I'm sorry too. Was I a little bit too harsh?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2021 ⏰

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