Russian death Roulette

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They were in their dining room, all seated around the dining table. Each chained to their chair, feet connected to the legs, and arms connected to the arms of the chair. The six friends and roommates had no idea what was happening. They all woke up in a dreamy state. All they could remember was returning the night before from the movies that they had gone to together.

There seemed to be a crossbow connected to a little machine in the middle of the circular table, but none of them knew what the machine did.

Chloe had been the first to wake up and realize the situation they were in, which was not good. She had to alert the others and see if any of them knew what to do. "What is all this?" she asked and watched as everyone shook their heads to say that no one knew.

Abruptly, a deep voice began to talk to them. "It's time to play a game. My game is Russian death roulette. A surprise will come to each of you as each will have a turn. Hope you have fun, my precious toys."

They all looked at each other in terror, for they realized at what seriousness this situation was that they were in, how much they wished not to be there.

"Guys, what are we going to do?" asked Chloe. She had no idea what they could do

He had an idea maybe, just maybe, "Does anybody have chains loose enough to get out of?" asked Noah.

They all began to shake and move their chains but had no luck. It was then that the crossbow started to move, rotating in a clockwise motion. The arrow had landed on Liam. The strongest of the group. He prayed he could handle whatever would be thrown his way and survive it.

"My precious boy, I see we have a fortunate man here today. If you can pick the correct button between the two, you will set everyone free. But if you choose the wrong one, someone will die. When you are ready, call out which color button you choose." The voice said Menacingly.

Liam watched as a small pedestal with a red and green button rose from the floor next to him. As he examined the buttons, thinking what could possibly be the right button. The probability was 50/50, which he hated to think he would be that unlucky. He chose the green one because red always means something evil in his mind. He had to take a chance on one.

"Green," Liam called out to the voice.

"An excellent choice, my precious boy. You have chosen for someone at this table to die," said the deep voice.

"How is that possible. Green is always the right button!" Liam yelled. He could not believe that he picked the wrong one. This was unfair.

Little did he know that no matter what he said, the man behind this would not have let anyone go. The killer never allowed anyone free from his games. The crossbow began to rotate again, but this time it lands on the small and frail Sophia.

"My precious girl, you have been chosen by this lovely young man to die."

At these words, Sophia begins to cry. She did not wish to die.

"No, you can't kill her! That's not fair. Take my life instead. She doesn't deserve it," Liam screamed. Hoping his plea makes a difference. He did not want to die either, but he liked Sofia and would do anything to protect her.

"Well, it seems we have a courageous precious boy here. Are you willing to give your life up for hers? Why?" The voice asks curiously.

"Because I love her," Liam says.

The others around the table look at Liam, surprised by his revelation. No one knew about this.

"Well, who am I to stop true love?" the deep voice snickered.

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