Chapter 1~ Just Call Me Zayn

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It's the first day of university and saying that I'm nervousness would be an understatement. I look around at the big campus and it looked way bigger than I imagined.

"Next in line for registration" I hear someone bellow out at me.

"That'd be me" I say in excitement.

"Name?" The lady crabbily asks.

"Harry Styles".

After registration I made my way to room to put my bags down. I open the door and I see some guy making out with girl on a bed. I stand there for awhile hoping they'll notice me and stop but they don't until I clear my throat. And then the guy looked up at me and smirked, "enjoying the show?" he asks me, one eyebrows raised and I don't think my face has ever been redder.

"It's ok I'll just see you later ok babe?" The girl said as she got off the bed pecked the boy, winked at me and giggled as she left the room.

"So I'm guessing you're a freshman" he told me as he propped himself up on the bed.

"Oh my- is it that obvious?" I looked down in the ground in embarrassment.

"Dude chill these are the freshman dorms" he said with a chuckle in his voice, "loosen up a bit" he patted me on my shoulder and gestured me toward the other bed showing me that it was mine. I nodded and put my stuff down. "I'm Luke by the way" he told me as he sprawled himself all over his bed, "and you are?"

"I'm Harry. Harry Styles." I said smiling at him and put my hand out to shake his. He shook it and looked at me.

"My mates and I are gonna go to a bar tonight you know if you're interested in tagging along. " he proposed and I was almost in awe. He wanted me to accompany him and his friends to a bar. This was a big step up from high school where I'd always get picked last, uni was already way better.

"Of course!" I exclaim.

"Great my band is playing so it'd be good to know that at least one person will be there" he chuckled as he stood up to get a pen and paper. "Here's the address be here around 10 ish, I gotta go to a practice. Call if you have any problems ok mate?" He said and I nodded as he quickly left the room guitar in hand. Wow he called me mate. It was the first day and I already had a friend. This was one more than I had last year.

I arrived at the bar about thirty minutes early and it looked like a waste land. I looked around and I saw Luke on stage and they were finishing a song so I guess it was a rehearsal.

"Whoa oh oh- oh oh whoa oh
Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught" they all sang and then the song ended. And I clapped for them.

"Hey it's my new roommate. Haz these are my band mates Ashton, Calum and Michael." He says and then points to each of them. Haz, he already has a nickname for me. My eyes are drawn to the one with the flair event red hair. His full lips would feel like pillows against mine. I wonder if Luke would still want to be my friend once he finds out that I am gay, hopefully better than my parents. It would suck to find out my first friend is some ignorant bigot.

"Hey, I'm Michael but I guess you already know that" Michael says smirking at me. I guess he could tell I was undressing him with my eyes.

"H-Harry, my name is Harry" I say in what seemed like a loud whisper and awkwardly waved to all the guys on stage.

"Well I didn't expect you to come early but we have to practice the set but feel free to sit watch drink or whatever." Luke speaks into the microphone before the drummer who's name is Ashton I believe, starts the next song off with a,

"1,2... 1,2,3 GO"

I walked over to the bar and sat onto a stool next to some random guy. I guess he comes here often because he said, "Just give me the usual". I didn't want to sound like an amateur so I said to the bar tender,

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