Episode 4: Shortcut Clause

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Episode Four: Shortcut Clause

A Week Later…

"Look at you, you're not even the tiniest bit worn down," Tara said to Ben after a very brutal performance in the core.

"Come with me," the brunette boy smiled as he held out his hand. Tara gave him an unsure look.

"It's not sweaty," He reassured her. Then when she took his hand, and he corrected himself. "Much."

They walked way together…

"Real dancing," Tara exhaled while she stood pointe on one foot while Ben turned her slowly, "This is just what I needed."

Gripping her by her waist; Ben told her, "It's good to be prepared. The scouts taught me that."

After she was standing regularly, the farm girl turned to face him. "You're expecting to be bumped up to soloist?"

"There's always a chance." The brunette boy said, while he shrugged. The girl before him scoffed. "Sure, salmonella could sweep through the company or I know, an alien abduction could happen."

With a shake of his head; Ben said with a small grin on his face, "A tiny, tiny, minimal chance."

Tara just shook her head, gripping his hand and getting back on pointe. The male dancer then grasped a hold on her waist, supporting while she leaned down. As she came back up, the farm girl noticed Saskia standing there- watching them. Ben turned her. Leaning in, he moved in to kiss her. But she stopped him, by pushing back on his chest.

"What are you doing? You know Christian's my boyfriend again!" The farm snapped. Ben huffed as his anger level rose, "Yes, Tara. I know you have a boyfriend who disappeared for three months, didn't answer any of our calls or texts, leaving you heartbroken for most of the year! Then when he suddenly decides to show back up you fall right back into his arms!"

Again, Tara snapped at him, trembling with anger. "Who I'm with is none of your business and you have no right to criticize him!"

Then she turned around, clasped her bag in her hand and stormed out of the Sydney Opera house and into the darkness of the night…

An Hour Later…

Tara knocked on Ollie's and Christian's door, waiting for one of the occupants to answer. When she heard Ollie's voice call for her to come in she opened the door. Throwing her dance bag onto her boyfriend's bed, she took a seat next his roommate.

"He's in the shower," Ollie said, when she sat down by him.

"Can I ask you a hypothetical question?" the farm girl asked after she had nodded her head. Her dark skinned friend turned to look her. The brunette released a sigh, "Let's say you had a boyfriend, and your boyfriend's friend tried to kiss you. Would you tell your boyfriend about it?"

Ollie snorted; before he turned serious asking, "Ben tried to kiss you tonight?"

Another sigh filled the room, "Yeah."

"Well this is my advice. If you have to ask…" He trailed off when he saw the realization cross her face. Tara finished his sentence for him. "If I have to ask, then I should probably tell him."

Her friend nodded his head.

"Okay, thanks Ollie." Yawned Tara as she stood up, "I'm going to crawl into my boyfriend's bed and die now."

Then she climbed the ladder into Christian's bunk. Her eyes shut as the brunette's head hit her boyfriend's pillow and his scent engulfed her. And she was out like a light…

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