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You opened your eyes, sharp pains already felt throughout multiple parts of your body. You had absolutely no idea what was going on, or where you were at. Looking to the floor, you saw that your ankles and wrists were tied together. The hard floor below you was agonizing to your bones that were pressed hard against it. Looking over to your right, you noticed a boy that was sleeping, green hair strung messily and damp across his forehead.

You squinted for a moment, trying to quickly recollect your thoughts as you looked around the foreign room with blurred vision.

"Midoriya?" You gasped, focusing your attention back to the green haired boy next to you, who was completely passed out. He had also been tied up with his back leaning against the wall behind him. You needed to see if he was okay. Reaching with your foot as far as your body would let you, you lightly kicked him in the knee that was bent toward you. He stirred lightly, letting out a small groan and a quiet "what?" at the sudden intrusion on his fucking beauty rest apparently.

At least he was alive. You looked down at your right side, noticing the once blue tank top you were wearing was now a dark shade of red/brown in that spot, presumably from blood.

You hissed as you began to lift the shirt up to inspect the damage done to your skin. It felt like what you assumed it would feel like for someone to stick a knife into your body and just twist it as hard as they could.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you. It looks bad." You snapped your head up and met the eyes of the person you wanted to see the least.

Her eyes, they were just like yours and it made you want to reach in and dig your own out. Your build was similar to hers as well. The thought of being like her in any way made bile rise into your throat.

"Fuck you." You spat at her. You hated her with your entire being.

She scoffed, letting out a small laugh. "God, your father should've just let me kill you."

You scowled at her as Midoriya began to stir next to you. "But," She continued, "You are pretty powerful, which makes you useful. What do you say?"

"I say," I smiled at her politely, digging my wrist into the restraints for any chance to try and get out of them, with no luck whatsoever, "Fuck off."

You heard a giggle from beside you, before you saw Midoriya grab his ribs in pain, letting out a low groan. He still had his eyes closed as he spoke through a strained voice, "How much have you been hanging out with Kacchan?"

You let out a scoff type of laugh, realizing how much your comments to your mother sounded like him. Thinking about this, the memory of the last thing he said to you was playing on repeat in your head. You hadn't even thought about it until this very moment. The amusement quickly wore off your face at the thought, also remembering your mother was still standing directly in front of you.

"A lot. A little too much." You murmured toward him.

"Aww, who's Kacchan, Y/n? Is that your little boyfriend?" Your mother asked, sitting down in the shitty chair that was on the opposite side of the room, taking a sip from her water. Her taunting brought you an immense amount of anger, especially since she was the one who took you away from him. Two could play at this game.

"Mm, not quite, we just fuck from time to time." You shrugged, maintaining direct eye contact with her so that you could watch the utter horror spread across her face.

You heard choking from beside you, causing you to turn your head. You saw Midoriya now covering his mouth with his tied hands, red in the face from trying so hard not to laugh. He could not believe you just said that to your mother, and honestly was trying to figure out if it was true. You didn't even know the woman, so you could not give a single fuck what she thought of you or the things you said to her. You just wanted your mother to despise you completely.

fire and desire [katsuki bakugo x reader]Where stories live. Discover now