Chapter 1

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Y\N Sykes currently at Hogwarts Express, ready to go into her 6th year at Hogwarts. She was never really known, likes to stay in the background, unnoticeable. She looked around as to see if she could at least try making friends this year. She felt a tap on her shoulder, turned around and saw the one and only Malfoy, smiling at her. "hello, my name is Abraxas Malfoy. You seemed lonely so I was wondering if you would want to come to sit with me and my friends on the train?" he said. You thought for a while, you knew his reputation, he and his friends. You didn't like it, especially their "leader" as It looked like, Tom Riddle, "the perfect boy". "no, it's quite alright, thank you" you said with a light smile. Malfoy doesn't take no as an answer, he grabbed your arm and pulled you along. you had tried to get out of his grasp but failed. you decided to give up.

as we got in front of his train compartment, you heard whispers and then a deep saying "quiet" surprisingly it went dead silent. that's what made you even more nervous than you already are. "don't worry" whispered Malfoy then pulling you in.

Right, when the door opened, everyone stared at you. "uh hi" was the first thing coming out of your mouth. Malfoy introduced them to you while they smiled at you. "so, that's Avery, Lestrange, Rosier, Nott." each smiled. "and that is Tom Riddle" the boy sitting by the window, he didn't even bother smiling or even glancing at me? 'must be arrogant'.

I sat down as the guys threw questions at me. "what's your name?" "how do you know Malfoy?" "what's your house?" "What year?" "Are you new?" "how come we haven't seen you before?". I looked at them shockingly, before I could reply, I hear a "Quiet" from the boy named Tom. everyone became quiet again. why are they even scared of him? I decided to talk since it would be rude not to answer. "uh well my name is Y

Sykes, I am going into my 6th year. my house is Slytherin, just like you guys. I am not new, I just tend to stay away from people or drama. Also, I know Malfoy since he came up to me to ask me to sit with him. As I said the last part, I noticed Tom giving Malfoy a glare.

No one bothered to talk but they gave me a smile to show me that they were listening. it grew very awkward after that. 'boring'

Since you really wanted to make friends, you decided to make a conversation with Tom Riddle. Just to see why everyone here is scared of him. "hi tom, so uh what book are you reading there?" you said as the guys stared at you shocked. Tom finally decided to look at you and said "it's Riddle and none of your business."

'what the fuck?'

Finally, Feel Love? - Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now