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"I am ready.

I'm now set for this mission, and I think I know why I had recorded this one.

I finally had arrived at the planet where sadness and happiness exist as two places. A place where one of my former friends had lived as a ruler, and it does sound canon to me.

Really, it took me into a somehow long way to get there, but I don't mind at all. I mean, travelling thousands of miles in space aboard my super-cool spaceship? Duh.

I think it will be awesome that I'm visiting that place. And yet, I know it's not right that they thought of me as some guy who has been hated by everyone, yet they thought otherwise and loved me more than hated me.

Yep, I'm not a villain anymore.

I don't know why and how I get back here from being faded away, but I know that I'm back, and now, I'm ready to explore the whole galaxy with only my ship, my friends, and me, the one and only RDV.

It really sounds weird to say it in initials.

And I think it's time to furfill a mission that I can call the only thing I can do to save someone from being a chicken and make him fall in love with Doc.

Trust me, it's going to be great. No regrets. (Honestly, it's not really mine.)

Okay, I had enough recording this. This is Rex MNS Dangervest, signing out."

The recorder then began playing in static, but it kept on going as jet engine noises began to fill the surrounding area in the table where it was laid.

And it seemed like there were sounds around it besides the engines and static noise.

Somehow like...





Continue to the next chapter.

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