Hitler: He is out of the country and when he will return you ask him personally.
He asked you to only focus on work.
Now I will take leave. 

Hitler rose to flee then he notices the brand package and stopped.

Hitler: Is this a gift from any brand?

Gulf: yes, the brand came to present it to boss Mew.

Hitler instantly took it from Gulf and start unpacking.

Gulf felt weird what kind of person is he, why he is opening someone else gift.

Hitler glimpse at Gulf as he felt his glare and explain Actually Mew don't like this gifts they send but for business relations, he accepted them but never wear.

Either he keeps in the store or unused,
so I make them useful by wearing them.

Hitler continue with a beam...
Whenever someone sends this kind of item.
You can send it to me Mew won't mind.

Gulf just nodded with information.

Wow, it's a watch. So cool isn't it?

With that Hitler took the gift along with him and left.

Gulf bypasses the topic and tried to concentrate on his work but some words are not settling.

Complimentary gift...Mew... don't wear...I wear all his gift keep ringing his mind...

How did he entered the cabin is also another aspect and he asked but Hitler just evade the question.


It not what I think right?

No..No he can't be, Daddy trusts him so much.

But Daddy also keeps saying that he didn't.

The bracelet was also a gift and Hitler is the one who wear the gratis not Daddy.

Again, Why would Hitler do that?

While for the fact he is the only person who is known to details and has every access easily to the office.

Did he do to separate me and Daddy?

Does he like Daddy?

I never liked his closeness to Daddy.

That bastard I will kill him. Two-face fellow.

Shit!! why did I not think this way earlier?
All I did mistrust Daddy and hopelessly accused him.

He must be so hurt and that why he is avoiding me.

How reckless I was? He keeps saying he did not but my insecurities crushed us.

Gulf raged and reached Hitler's cabin to confront him, due to him he treated Daddy so rudely but he paused in the door.

Gulf thought to standstill everything on purpose as he will directly resolve with Daddy. 

What if Hitler is foxier than I expect. 

This time he can't bear a mistake as it also involves years of friendships and his wavering relation.

I just need to keep patience but when will Daddy come back to me.

Gulf did hold himself from exploding in the office for the time being.


1 day later

Gulf is wakened by the morning sunbeam and he witnessed the deity mirroring Daddy is sleeping with a distance in the bed.

He flutters with emotion and about to embrace Mew but ceased he doesn't want to disturb the serene.

He gently streams his finger on the reflection of the fine nose without even touching than to his lip contour, then to the exposed edged collarbone.

Next to idolizing Daddy's allurement, he spurred to make a splendid breakfast for Daddy.

Ready, steady and to go... spoke Gulf as he decorates the breakfast table and persists to summon Daddy.

He holds the doorknob to open but the door opens from the opposite side of the room and Mew came out totally dress up for the office.

Good morning, You are already ready. Ok, come I made...

I am leaving, I have an early meeting. Bye, riposte Mew by cutting Gulf's words and left.

But.... the breakfast... utter Gulf unreached to Mew.

Gulf grew disheartened, he didn't even look at me.

How to court my sulky Daddy?

Don't give up and try harder encouraged Gulf his inner spirit and packed the meal in a bento box, dress up swiftly, and marched to the office.


The most busiest day of Gulf's life.

As the wave of another release is creating havoc in the office atmosphere along with Daddy's reluctance to face his sights like a buy one gets one deals.

Phew!!!... finally I and Daddy in the same space. This is the chance I need to speak with him.


Gulf: who the hell is now?

Gulf unconsciously spoke loud.

Mew gapes toward Gulf with his speech and replies Come in.

Aan: Mew!! Hi. It's me. 

Mew: You are early.

Gulf heart stretched and pondered why Daddy is meeting her again?

Aan: Let's have lunch together. Last time you elude from the dinner.

Mew: ok just wait and let me finish this file.

Aan did not sit but toured the cabin with her figurine posture and jabbering to Mew with titters, concupiscence noises, exclusively disrespecting the factor that one more person is existing in the same cabin..... that's what Gulf felt.

Gulf's anger is on the brink to explode, 

This bitch what does she think is she, I am the one who sighed my ass in the contract and she dares to come here and flirt with my man.

Mew sensed a gusty breeze from the direction of Gulf and peek to see Gulf's eyes are flaring with each step of Aan closer toward him.

He immediately announced ...

Aan, you go and wait in the lobby downstairs I am coming in a few minutes.

Aan shook her head with excitement and drove to the lobby. 

Gulf got up from his seat and stand in front of Mew stated...

You are not going anywhere.

Mew stood up and spoke...What?? she is waiting in the lobby for me.

Gulf shoves Mew back to his seat but start undressing his pant and tossed them to the sides and begin to unbutton his shirt too.

Mew's lashes enlarge and he quickly presses the button to locked the door and screeched what are you doing Frozen?

I want you now. 

Baby, after lunch we will talk.

Gulf only in panty looking ravishing straddle on Mew's lap and claimed
Who is your priority? me or she?

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