"Thanks man

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"Thanks man. Have a good one" Erik said grabbing the food from the delivery guy. He ordered Chinese food from his favorite restaurant not too far from his house. He sat the bags on the coffee table in his living room and cut on Netflix so him and Maya could watch a movie. Erik sat down on the couch pulling out his phone to see if he had any missed texts or calls. Nothing. He was quickly becoming more and more irritated by his girlfriend for not calling him once since she's been gone.
Maya finally emerged from the bathroom and timidly approached the living room to see Erik sitting on the couch looking intimidating with his legs spread wide and he had snatched his beater off exposing his chiseled chest. He was currently in the middle of rolling a blunt on his lap when he looked up to see Maya standing up against the wall looking at him.
"You good?" He asked.
Maya shook her head yes and sat on the couch next to him.
"I ordered for you, hopefully you don't mind. I didn't know what you liked so I just got you what Nicole usually gets" he said shrugging his shoulders.
"Who's Nicole?"
"My soon to be ex girlfriend..." he mumbled something under his breath that Maya didn't hear but soon to be ex?
Maya grabbed her styrofoam box and dug in. It was really good and she was really hungry. Erik placed the freshly rolled blunt in the ashtray and joined Maya in eating.
"Want to watch a movie?" He asked handing her the remote.
"Sure" she took the remote from him and flipped through till she landed on her favorite movie. Black Panther.
"I lovvve this movie!" She said hitting the play now button.
Erik sucked his teeth.
"I hate this stupid ass movie" he said.
"Oh be quiet and enjoy it. Hater" she said pushing him in the chest.
About 30 minutes into the movie, Erik had already smoked half the blunt and was feeling it. Maya looked over at him and started laughing.
"You look like Killmonger" she laughed.
"Shut up" Erik said blowing smoke into her face. Erik was relaxed and had his left arm thrown over the back of the couch as his right hand held the blunt. His legs were wide and he was swaying them back and forth.
"Can I try?" Maya asked.
"Try what?" Erik smirked.
"Nah. Julian would kill me if he knew I let you smoke"
"So? Aren't you like in charge of him?" Maya said in a teasing voice which made Erik laugh.
"Something like that" he said sighing.
"Well let me try then" she said reaching for it but Erik kept pushing her off. Maya decided to climb onto his lap in a playful non sexual way and grab it from him. She straddled him and Erik looked her in her eyes for a moment.
"What are you doing?" He asked in a low voice.
"Let me smoke with you" Maya said poking her lip out.
"Fine" he finally agreed. Maya took it from him and took two hits slowly breathing out. Erik felt himself getting hard which meant Maya felt it too considering she was sitting on his lap.
"Fuck. My bad" he said trying to push her off.
"That's okay" she said climbing off his lap and sitting next to him.
The movie continued but Maya ended up falling asleep on Erik with her head in his lap. Erik tried waking her up but she wouldn't move. He slid out from under her and cut the movie off. Cleaning up their mess and straightening up his apartment, Nicole finally called him.

N: "Hey baby, I miss you"
E: "Oh your phone works now?"
N: "Sorry. I been enjoying myself. I wanted to give you some space too"
E: "right"
N: "I'll be back soon. Don't act like that. I know you miss me"
E: "Aight"
N: "okay. Be good. I love you"
E: "I'm always good. Yo hoe ass better be good. I seen those videos you been posting on the gram"
N: "haha! I'm having fun. You should be doing the same"
Erik looked over at Maya sleep on his couch and nodded his head.
E: "Yea you right. I will" he warned.
N: "See you soon baby. I love you"
E: "Bye" Erik hung up.

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