Chapter 3

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Bakubabe POV

"Hey" was all I heard, I turned around to see Copycat "What you want, to Slap me like Pink Cheeks" I say turning back around "No, I came to ask if you okay" I dramatically gasped "Copycat cares about me?" He rolls his eyes "Yeah,yeah whatever" He sat next to me "What's wrong and why that bitch slap you" I was dumbfounded from his statement "You don't know?" Him shrugging his shoulders,quirking a eyebrow "I...I bullied Deku in middle school even told him to kill himself and I regret saying it. Now the whole class hate me and everyone in school is starting to know too....What am I suppose to do" Tears making it's why back to my face expecting Copycat to treat me the same. But instead....arms wrapped around me "C-copycat?" "Shh it's ok, you can let it out" As soon as he said that, I started to cry hard, clutching on his shirt like my life depends on it.

Monoma POV

My heart ached at the sight of Bakugo, Crying and clutching on to my shirt. I may have been mean as well, but I still care and he's still human. We stayed like this for 15 minutes, Me saying it's okay in his ear as he was still crying. Im relief he wasn't crying hard anymore, as I was going to speak the bell rung. He losses his grip and wipes his eyes "Thank you" He slightly smiles "No problem, see you" "yea, see you" He walked away. I stared as he walked further and further away, My face heating up thinking about the smile he gave me. He might not be so bad.


Hiii~ My ideas was everywhere for a second until reading this but hope you like it
Byeeee~ (UwU)

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