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Chapter 22: In Your Eyes

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Only eight more days left until Levi and I would be going home, back to his time. Part of me was excited to see my friends again and start my new life with him, but there was still the other part that would miss my mother and stepfather. Not to mention Desiree and Harry, who had been good friends to me.

That morning, I was heading to my final class to get last-minute signatures from my professors letting them know that I would be dropping out. And, this gave me time to return my books along with a few other things. Later tonight Levi and I would be going to my mother's for dinner again, but tonight was getting serious.

Since I couldn't tell my mother I was going to be time traveling back to Levi's time, we had to lie and say we were moving far away. She's probably going to be more upset when we tell her we'd be leaving in eight days. But I didn't want to scare her again by my going missing without saying anything.

As I was walking on campus, Levi was at my side. I decided to let him tag along since it was my last day, and Levi wanted to make sure I wouldn't get kidnapped by Andrew. As we went through each of my classes for the day, I would hand in my book and have my professors sign a sheet I would give to the principal at the end of the day.

Sitting in my last class, Levi sat next to me observing. It would be his first time in any school, even back in his time he didn't get much education but still turned out pretty smart. I hear him shuffle and feel his breath hit my neck. "This is bullshit, when are you gonna use this in life?" he mutters.

I try to hold back on laughing, he had a point. "They should you useful things like how to hold a knife, or... what to do if you're constipated," he mutters. Now he was really trying to get me to laugh.

"First of all, I don't think we're in that much of a threat to be using knives. Plus it's not that hard. Second, we have pills to help with constipation." I mutter.

He leans back in his seat with a smirk on his face. "This is so boring," he mutters.

I slap my hand down on his thigh getting him to hush up, but that seemed to do the opposite. He leans forward again and leans closer to me. "You missed," he whispers.

"Sorry, I'll make sure to punch your dick next time," I mutter.

He continues to smirk, suddenly his hand falls gently on my thigh, slowly sliding towards the inside of it. Slowly, and teasingly he starts to travel up, closer to my nether region. Grabbing his wrist I stop him before he could even touch me. "Not here," I mutter.

He smirks, "Then you owe me after class." he mutters.

I pull his hand out from between my thighs and place it on the table. The class went on a while longer when the professor finally dismissed the class, Levi and I walked up and got him to sign my sheet. Afterward, we headed to the office to drop off the paper.

Levi and I headed home after that where we lounge around, not doing a whole lot. When evening came we got ready to go to dinner. It seemed to be the usual ever since he met my mom, we'd go every Friday to her house to eat dinner. Levi seemed to enjoy it and bonded well with my family.

Slipping into a little black dress I felt a hand land right on my ass, jumping slightly I turn and find Levi standing right behind me. "Sorry, hand slipped," he says with a teasing little smirk.

"Uh-huh. And none of that when we get there mister." I say as I put earrings in.

"Tch, do you honestly think I'd do that in front of your family? I'm a gentleman," he says.

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