under my skin

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"I can't believe you actually did it,"

"If I didn't Stirling would've kept harassing me about it, you know how that girl is," Teddy said. "Besides, it's not like Owens is bad looking or anything."

"Oh my, Teddy bear has a crush!"


Despite his initial reluctance, Teddy eventually plucked up the courage to invite Daisy Owens to Hogsmeade with him. He wasn't really sure why, maybe out of spite to Saige. He could date a pretty girl if he wanted to, she didn't have to set him up! The date was okay, a little awkward. The two had sat in The Three Broomsticks and made polite chatter about mundane things; the weather, school, quidditch. Truth be told, Teddy felt a little bad for the girl. He had no intentions of taking their "relationship" any further, and didn't want to lead the poor girl on.

"I had a nice time, Teddy," Daisy smiled sweetly at him as they reentered Hogwarts grounds.

"Yeah, me too," Teddy replied quietly.

"Ok well, I'd better be off, my friends are waiting," the Gryffindor glanced at her group of friends, giggling as they watched the twos interaction. "Owl me if you want to hang out again, yeah?"

"Sure," Teddy lied as the girl scampered back to her friends, face glowing red with embarrassment.


"I do not have a crush McLaggen," Teddy responded sharply, the use of his friends last name sending metaphorical daggers to him. "The date wasn't actually that good. She's nice, but it was pretty bland."

"Yikes, guess you're just not destined for love," Noah grimaced.

"Just because I don't like one girl,"

"I'm joking mate," his friend grinned at him. "I gotta head off to charms, see you at the dorm."

"Right," Teddy replied. He watched as his fellow Hufflepuff retreated to his class. Checking his timetable, Teddy noticed that he had a free period. Already behind on work, he decided to head to the library to attempt to squeeze some work into his already overflowing brain.

Setting his bag onto the table, he contemplated what subject to tackle first. Potions, definitely potions. Venturing into the maze of bookshelves, he scanned the aisles for something that could potentially help him. Finding seldom use of any books in the first aisle, he rounded the corner into the next. As he turned the corner, he felt himself bump into something, no, someone.

"Lupin," the girl grinned at him as his apologetic expression dropped. "Heard you had a nice date with a certain Daisy Owens?"

"Sorry Stirling, I have a potions assignment that needs to save my grade, so I best be off," Teddy tried to brush past her. Much to his dismay, Saige found amusement in his hatred for her and began tailing behind him.

"Oh yeah, the one Zabini set on Wolfsbane? A tricky one, if only someone had already finished the assignment could help you,"

"You've already finished it? How? It was only assigned last week," Teddy halted in his step and turned to her. Settling herself onto the desk that lined the bookshelf, Saige looked up at Teddy condescendingly.

"Well, unlike you, Lupin, I spend my weekends finishing my work, not prancing around Hogsmeade with a new date every week," she teased.

"Whatever Stirling, I can do the stupid paper without your help," Teddy replied, frustrated.

"If you say so," she responded. "I have quidditch practice now, but I'll meet you outside your common room for rounds tonight, yeah?." The boys face fell as the realisation dawned on him, he had forgotten to check the roster. And to add to his luck, he was stuck patrolling the halls with Saige Stirling, the one person that was able to get under his skin.

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