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Teddy Lupin was undoubtedly a creature of habit. Naturally, disturbances in his routine didn't go unnoticed by him. Subsequently, the morning Saige Stirling walked up to the Hufflepuff table, he was confused to say the least. Other than a few minor interactions through prefect duties, the two had seldom spoke. In fact, the two had never particularly liked each other. Despite both of their equal likability, Lupin always sensed an aura of competition surrounding them. His curiosity grew as she approached him. Not many chose to be awake at such an early hour, but as she adorned her quidditch robes, he realised that their captain must be starting training early this year, no doubt in preparation for a house cup win.

"Lupin," she greeted, snapping Teddy out of his thoughts.

"Can I help you, Stirling?" the boy replied.

"Why, yes you can in fact," she smiled sweetly, both aware of the sarcasm lacing her tone. "I need a favour."

"What is it?" he asked suspiciously.

"See that girl over there," she gestured over her shoulder to the singular girl sitting alone at the Gryffindor table. "She wants you to ask her out, and I owe her a favour, so, despite her house, I think she's lacking in the courage department."

"What do you actually want Stirling?" Teddy asked, confused.

"I told you," she said bluntly. "I need you to ask her out."

"Piss off-" Lupin began

"Ok ok hear me out," Saige cut him off. "She's just nervous, and if I don't get this girl off my back I might just die."

"That seems like an exaggeration,"

"Trust me, it's not. She holds this absurd idea that because we're both prefects we have some sort of mutual friendship, and trust me I couldn't disagree more. To be perfectly honest I'd rather kick a cactus then spend time with you willingly-"

"Thanks Stirling."

"That's beside the point," Saige continued her rambling. "Merlin, I sound like Victoria with all this bumbling. Just ask her out, ok?"

"Piss off," Teddy grumbled, hair tinging pink with embarrassment.

"Oh Edward, no need to be embarrassed, a pretty girl likes you, that's a good thing if you weren't aware," she smirked. "Excellent, I've been standing here long enough to convince Owens that I've convinced you and in the process have made you positively flustered. I'd better be off, thanks Lupin!" Saige eloquently rounded off her speech as she began to walk away, leaving Teddy to melt in his utter discomfort. As much as he hated to admit it, the girl left him flustered. Her overwhelming confidence made her unbearable and Teddy couldn't come up with the words to snap back at her. Now he was left with an ultimatum; ask the Gryffindor girl to Hogsmeade with him, or face her unrelenting rambling once again. Merlin, he hated Stirling.

"What's got you in a twist mate?" Teddy heard McLaggen call out to him as he sat across from the boy. "Saw you talking to Stirling, she's a right vision isn't she?" He added, further demonstrating the Hogwarts boy's infatuation of her.

" She's annoying," Teddy stated bluntly.

"You only say that because she's left you in a right state. Look, your hair's gone all pink!" Noah teased.

"Sod off," Teddy grumbled, regaining control of his hair as it returned to his usual turquoise.

"So, what did she want?"

"Trying to set me up with some Gryffindor, says she owes a favour."

"Ooo, Teddy's got an admirer! Too bad it's not Stirling, I'd kill to have a girl like that take interest in me."

"Please, you'd never pull someone like Stirling," Teddy scoffed. "And besides, she's a right git. Sure she's popular, smart, sporty and whatever, but none of that makes up for her retched personality, thinking she's better than everyone else."

"Yikes, someones in a bad mood," Noah grimaced. "Don't think I've ever heard you bad mouth someone like that, she must have you twisted at the arm!" Teddy leant over the table and smacked him over the back of the head as Noah laughed at him. That's it, he thought to himself, I truely despise that girl.

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