Chapter 23: Protecting You

Start from the beginning

"Well, grab the food," I say and hurry downstairs as fast as I can.

I grab the tv remote and a blanket. I jump to the corner of the couch and pull the blanket over my stomach to hide the bruise. I switch the TV on just as Ashton comes down the steps.

"Hey," he says about as casually as possible.

"Give me my food," I put the TV on football and hold my hand out.

"Bossy," he mutters, but hands me the food.

We watch tv and eat in silence. He stands up and gathers our trash to throw away. "Do you need anything?"

"A beer," I say and he nods.

As soon as he starts up the stairs I dash to my room. I change into jean shorts and a Redwood t-shirt. I French braid my hair and take a deep breath. I walk back towards the den to find Ashton already waiting.

"What's wrong?" I ask when I stop in front of him.

"You tell me," he crosses his arms.

"I can't tell you if I don't know what you're talking about!"

"There's four beers missing from a 6-pack."

"And?" I cross my arms just like his.

His jaw ticks and I know I'm hitting a nerve. "Yesterday morning, before the fight, it was full."

"What's the big deal? That's four beers," I say and he scratches his jaw.

"I get that you want to relax, but you shouldn't drink too many when nobody's around. I just don't want anything to happen to you," his voice cracks and he coughs.

"You don't have to worry about me. Besides, Caroline was over yesterday and she had two, I had one and then I had one earlier. I'm fine, okay?"

Ashton's POV:
Was it okay? Was she okay? I know she's telling the truth about how many beers she had. I can tell she's not lying. Is she fine though? Do I believe that?

"Listen, I know it's been rough lately and with what happened yesterday, but I am fine. I'm good, honestly. Yeah, do I wanna kick them all in the balls? Maybe," she sighs before grabbing my face between her hands and pulling my face down to her level.

"They are my boys, I can't stay mad at them forever. We will forgive each other eventually or else we're gonna lose a lot. I can handle them and everyone else. If I couldn't, I wouldn't be playing," she says it and I know it's true.

I search her eyes. For what, I don't know. "And me?"

"You?" She leans in an inch and my heart starts to race.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Your still in my house," she answers in a breathy laugh.

"So, that's a yes?" I ask.

"I don't think I was ever really mad at you or most of the boys. Emmet and the others that stepped forward and agreed? Yes. The rest of you should've tried to help me, but I think we were all in shock so I don't blame them. I just needed time to cool down. Oh, and don't think I forgot that you punched Emmet," she smiles softly at her last statement.

"How'd you know about that?" I ask and gently pull her by her waist towards me so that I don't have to hold my head in an awkward position. Since she hasn't let go of my face.

"I was in a closet having an anxiety attack with Caroline while you were beating him up," she says it so casually, as if it's an everyday occurrence.

"You had another attack?"

My chest aches at the thought of not being there for her when it happened. I was trying to find her and all along she was right there. I'm such a stupid idiot for even letting her walk away. I should have went after her the minute she got up.

"I'm so sorry," I stop when my throat tightens.

"Hey, hey. Look at me," she says softly as she runs a finger across my cheek. "It's not your fault. I chose not to be found. I had Caroline and she took me to Bree."

"I just want you safe and happy," I say and lean my forehead against hers.

"I am, as long as I'm with you."

My heart melts and I don't have to think before bringing my lips to hers. She doesn't hesitate to kiss me back and my heart soars at this little victory. I guess I didn't believe she had really forgiven me.

She runs her hands through my hair making me pull her closer. I bite her lip and I know she knows what I want, yet she denies me with a smile against my lips. I slowly walk backwards until I feel her legs hit the couch. I lower her until she's laying down with me hovering so I'm not crushing her.

She breaks the kiss and starts kissing my jawline, successfully making me crazy. I bring her lips back to mine and this time she's the one asking for entrance. She runs her tongue across my bottom lip and I moan. I smile before breaking the kiss and trailing down her neck. I hit a sensitive spot and her back arches.

I pull away and rest my forehead against hers. Both of us are breathing heavily and her lips are red from kissing as I imagine mine are too. I rest my hand on her side and she flinches.

"What's wrong?" I ask, getting up and sitting next to her.

"Nothing," she assures me, but the tight smile says otherwise.

I get up and pace, racking my brain for something that happened. My eyes widen in realization and I freeze. "I forgot."

I hear her get up and a hand is place on my back, releasing the tension. "It's not a big deal, I'm okay," she argues.

I don't bother answering and turn around. I raise her shirt so I can see her side and my stomach clenches. "I let this happen."

"No Ashton, it wasn't your fault," she yanks her shirt back down.

"I'm supposed to protect you!" I yell at the ceiling.

"It's that guys fault. You are a great protector Ash and I don't think I'd trust anyone else as much as I do you for the job. It's bound to happen every once in a while. I don't expect to never get tackled. I sign up for this. I love football and all of the things that come with it."

"Getting tackled doesn't leave those kinds of marks," I growl.

"The guy may have rammed a fist, but that's out of your control," she tries to soothe, but all I see is red.

"I'm going to kill that bastard!" I slam my hand on the coffee table making her jump.

"I'd rather you just make me feel better."

I look over at her and I instantly soften. "If that's what you want."

"If you would." She gives me a smile that makes my heart beat faster and I know I could never say no to this girl.

I pull her in my lap and lay us down gently. She drapes her arm over me and snuggles closer. "Good?" I ask.

"Never better."
Authors Note:

Hey there everyone, long time no see! This would've been updated just a little sooner, but I was at my grandmas for a week without wifi! It sucked! Anyway, I'm updating this the first chance I get wifi. I can write without wifi, but sadly it doesn't update with my account until I connect with wifi or I would publish on my phone, but it's not on there. (And I was stupid enough to start it on my iPad + my phone is not new tech at all and an android which I don't like, no offense android users/lovers.)

I have the next chapter almost completed so don't worry about another long stupid wait because I'm an idiot.

Forgive me Lovelies, I'm a natural born procrastinator!

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