The ride back home was silent, Nicole helped me bring my bag inside and I put my stuff away, I went to go check on Nicole. knocking at her door I hear her respond.

"Come in."

"I'm sorry for bringing you into my diasterous life. I completely understand if you don't want me here."

"Milly, please sit down. Whatever your ex said isn't gonna scare me off. As I said earlier you can stay as long as you like. While you're here we should probably get to know each other, as friends. I don't have to be just your professor."

"Okay that's fair. Well I should tell you that I was at my parents house the night of the fire, but I was asleep. I smelled smoke and got out but then I didn't see my parents or my sister so I rushed back inside, I carried my sister out but they wouldn't let me go back in for my parents. I have the scars and everything. Maya believes I did it and that I am blaming my sister for doing it since she's locked up now." I said starting to cry. Nicole moved closer and pulled me in to hold me. "She was gonna kill me too, I have no idea why I survived I was nothing compared to my parents."

"There's a reason why, Milly. You may not know it now but you'll know later. Just like there was a reason for me stopping last night."

"What's your reason?"

"This is just between you and I." I nod my head at her and she continued. "When I was 19 I jumped off a bridge. I thought I really wanted to die, It pissed me off for a while why I was still here."

"Why'd you want to die?"

"At the time I thought I had a million reasons to die. I was bullied in school for being ugly, My parents disowned me for not wanting to live their life. I felt like I had completely no one, and I had no idea why everyone hated me so much."

"How could anyone hate you? You're like amazing, kind, nice, and completely drop dead gorgeous." Nicole perked her eyebrow up and smirked at me. "Well they did and I spent months in the hospital but I got up went to school, and now I'm your professor who is also working on her dissertation to get my doctorate."

"Nicky how old are you?"

"I'll be 32 next month."

"Ok cool." I replied with a blush on my face. "Do you think it would be alright if I stayed in here with you tonight, I really don't feel like being by myself."

"OK, but just for the night. Go get changed, I'll leave the door open for you."

I left so quick and changed into a pair of boxers and a gray crewneck. When I came back in I called out, "What side do you sleep on?!" 

"The side closest to the window. Could you close the door?"

I closed the door and slid my way into the bed and as soon as I got comfortable Nicole came out the bathroom with practically nothing on. Just a sports bra and super short, short shorts that showed off her ass. Her stomach was toned but not muscular, and her breasts were huge.

"What?" Nicole asked as she caught me staring.

"Oh, uh, umm, nothing." I replied as Nicole got into bed.

"Didn't seem like nothing." she mumbled pulling out a book and reading it. I scooted myself a little closer to her and closed my eyes. I was half asleep, snoring when Nicole put her book down and turned off the side lamp. I felt her kiss my forehead and whisper "Goodnight Milly."

I woke up to Nicole's arm draped around my waist and her legs intertwined with mine. I smiled at how cute she was when she slept, but I got interrupted by an alarm going off. I didn't want to be caught so I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep. I felt Nicole squirm out of the bed and she leaned down a second time and kissed my forehead before getting in the shower and changing. She walked out and I decided to play with her.

"Have a good day at work Nicky." She stopped midway out the door.

"Uh, see you in class."

"Yes ma'am."

After sleeping for a while I got to get to class early. Unfortunately Nicole wasn't there yet so I just sat down and grabbed out my paper, pencil, and my physics book.

"Hey you're Amelia, right?" A girl asked me.

"Uh, yeah."

"I'm Jessica but you can call me Jess. Not to pry or anything but I just wanted to see if you were alright? I heard about the fire, and then I realized we were in the same class."

"I'm just taking everyday on step at a time. Thanks for asking." Nicole then walked in but we still had about 10 minutes before class was actually about to start, so I continued to talk to Jess.

"Well, you have a friend in me. If you ever need to talk or have a good laugh."

"Cool. So are you majoring in physics?"

"I have no idea what I'm majoring in, I thought that I would just take physics for fun but then I started to really like it." I laughed for what seemed the first time in a long time.

"I mean its good to keep your options open. How many years have you put in?"

"4 years, I mean I could graduate now if I picked a damn major but I just can't decide."

"What was your favorite subject."

"OOoh, BioChem for sure or neuro-science. Ay we should quiet down I think Ms. Hoit is ready to start the lesson." I nodded my head and turned my head to face Nicole. I smiled to Nicole and she smiled back. Her lesson today was literally just the basic about waves. Which is just a disturbance or oscillation that travels through space or time with a transfer of energy. It was a good lesson simple but not too complex. For some reason I have a feeling her next lesson will be going way more in depth.

"Ms. Hoit is a pretty cool teacher." Jess stated.

"Yeah, she is. Hey why don't you come over so I can figure out your calling and you can help me out with homework."

"Yes!" she shouted. "Amelia you're my new best friend!"

I chuckled at her outburst.

"Ok, ok, gather all your notes so I can look at them."

"You got yourself a deal, bestie. Here's my number so just text me the address."

"Ok let me just ask Nicole first."

"Wait who's Nicole." I just walked up to Nicole with Jess following suit.

"Nicky can Jess come over and help with homework? She also needs help with a major, so I offered to help."

"Milly, that's fine. You're grown you don't have to ask my permission. I'm gonna head home too, y'all were my last class for the day."

"Okay, awesome. You're the best." I said turning back to Jess and walking out the classroom.

"Whoa dude, are you like dating Ms. Hoit?" 

"Oh no, I live with her. She's been helping me out since the accident and everything that's happened."

"I knew she was cool."

"Oh yeah she's pretty awesome. I just texted you the address."

"Alrighty, I'm gonna grab my notes and meet you there."

"Ok." I responded.

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