A month has gone by of me staying at Nicole's house. Well I guess our house. Instead of continuing to go into Nicole's room every night I started to just stay in my room. Jess and I still slept together but only on the days Nicole had multiple classes. It was Saturday and I was up early because I was going to see Mandy. 

I drove for three hours before getting to the prison. As I walked in I signed a paper and then was searched. I waited until they called my sister. We were allowed to hug once before we sat down and once  before she left. She gave me a hug and we sat down.

"You look good." I say.

"I feel good. What have you been up to?"

"Oh you know school."

"Where are you staying now, you know since I-"

"Um actually I stay with my physics professor."

"What? Isn't that illegal?"

"If were having sex yes, but we're not. In fact I'm in my own room."

"Ok good, you don't need to be in here with me."

I chuckled. "I'm trying. What's it like in here?"

"Eh, it's not the best but I'm in a program where I can take classes. I'm studying art now. I know it's nothing like Physics but it's something to occupy my time while I'm here."

"That's great Mandy."

"I wanna ask, but I don't know how to say this?"

"Go ahead."

"Well I'd love to talk to you on the phone now that I'm clean and everyday I have my ups and down but it would be nice to talk to you when I'm allowed."

"I'll put some money on your books, and towards your commissary before I leave. Just promise me you'll try your best to stay clean. I'll start coming more since Nicole lets me use her car."

"Oh so that's this hot professor's name."

"I never said she was hot."

"Please I can see it on your face. How'd you start staying with her anyways?"

"I tried to kill myself the night of the funeral and she stopped me."

"Amelia Rose!"

"Hey, I know. I already have my bestfriend yelling at me about it."

"Still, I don't care how bad I was, you have potential and if you ever do that again I swear I'll escape and kick your ass."

"Shut up. I won't I promise."

"Good. I didn't mean to do it?"

"Yeah, the drugs."

"It was stupid and I know that now." she stood as it was the end of our visit and gave me a hug.


I got back home around 6pm. It was quiet in the house so I just assumed Nicole was in her office. I went to the kitchen and began cooking dinner. I put some music on and began singing while cooking. I got so in the music and began to dance. I heard laughing behind me and I turned around and there Nicole was. I handed her plates and she put them on the table as I continued to sing.

I made her a plate and then made mine. I turned off the music and sat down at the table with her. 

"So how was it?" Nicole asked.

"She's doing good. She's becoming herself again."

"That's good."

"I'm gonna continue to see her, and I put money on her books so she could call me. Also I just wanted to say thank you."


"Everything." I responded and finished eating. I got up and went to my room laying down.


The weekend ended quickly and when I woke on Monday I took a shower and headed to school early. It just so happened that Jess was there as well. I pulled her into a hug and when I released she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bathroom.

She slammed me into the wall and kissed me. I slipped my tongue in her mouth fighting her for dominance. She unbuttoned my jeans and slipped her hands in my underwear. Her fingers massaged  my clit making me moan. She took her other hand and covered my mouth muffling my moans as she stuck her fingers inside me.

She pulled in and out faster and faster. I came on her fingers and she pulled out, buttoned my pants back up and sucked on her fingers. 

"God you're gonna be the death of me." I said walking out of the bathroom with her. She just chuckled and pulled me towards the classroom. 

"Did you finish the homework?" she asked with a smirk.

"Yeah, of course." I responded as Nicole walked in. She looked at me and shook her head. She must have heard, or she saw. I feel like I'm just going to keep hurting her. She knows that I like her but I have a pretty funny way of showing it. I don't know why it's bothering me so much it's not like I can have her even if I wanted to.

Instead of going home after class ended I went to a bar. I got super drunk throwing drinks back over and over. It was like I was numb but not because everything I was feeling came on even harder. I walked to the car but then remembered that I probably shouldn't drive so I pulled out my phone and dialed the number.

"Milly, Where are you?"

"Why no oh love me?"

"Are you drunk?"

"Maayyybee." I said stumbling over a curb and falling. "Ow. Otayyy I'll just layyy heerree."

"Where are you."

"Some barrr, school."

"Stay there, I'm on my way." she hung up. I just laid there, the sky was spinning. I sat up and rocked back and forth. A car pulled up and Nicole got out.

"NICKKKYYY!" I screamed. She shook her head and helped me into the car. "Wha bout the oder one?" I mumbled.

"I'll get it in the morning. You're not going to school tomorrow." she stated, seeming like she was upset. When we got to the house she walked me to the room and gave me a glass of water.

"I layyy wit youuu." I say standing up feeling dizzy.

"No, you stay here." she said pushing me back down.

"But III mish youu."  I responded getting back up but instead of walking I crawled to her room and climbed into her bed.

"Milly, you don't listen." I smiled and patted her side of the bed. Shaking her head again and got into the bed, I laid down and scooted close to her. "Why were you drinking?"

"I hurttted you." I responded.

"Why do you think that?"

"Yooouuu werree upset, classss."

"I was pissed that you guys thought it was ok to have sex in the school bathroom."

"I cccann't saayyy noo wit oout hher thinnnk I likkkkke her. IIIIt was paaart of ouuurr agggreement." I mumbled out.

"I.. uh, never mind. Go to sleep Milly."

"But Niiiccckkkyy."

"But what?" she said turning her head at me. We were inches apart. I had to, it might be my only chance. So I leaned forward and kissed her. She pushed me away, got up and left the room. Drunken thoughts still clouded my mind but eventually I passed out.

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