Chapter Two

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It had been a week since Cohen and I had decided to take our three month break. He was going to South America with his cousin, Archer. They were going to spend half of the summer in Brazil, and the other half in Costa Rica. I, on the other hand, had no plans thus far. But hopefully after today, that would change. I was meeting my best friend, River, to discuss our summer plans. River was a part of the group Cohen and I used to be attached to in High School. River ended up going to the same college as Cohen and I, and that’s where River became my second best guy friend, behind Cohen.  

River worked at the Starbuck’s a few blocks down from my place, so the walk wasn’t all that bad. A part of me felt fresh now that I was ‘single’, almost as if I was a new person. I smiled to myself as my converse stopped on the New York pavement, the bright yellow sun smiling down at me. I took the time to get a new hair cut while Cohen left. My dark brown, long hair was now a light brown with side bangs. And while I was updating my hairdo, I got my toes and nails done. Spa days will do wonders for girls after a break up.

As I approached the Starbuck’s, I decided things were going to be okay. I was going to be okay. And at the end of the summer, I would be back in Cohen’s arms and hopefully engaged.

“Aspen!” River hollered from the entrance. He was wearing a blue button down with khaki shorts. River was always a fashionable guy. I smiled then jogged into his hug.

“River!” I hollered back as I took in his warm presence. We both took good looks at each other then headed inside.

“So, how long is your lunch break?” I asked sitting down at a table near the window. He picked up two cups of coffee and set them down smiling at me.

“You really look great. I love your hair.” He said then sat down, his grin never leaving his face. I chuckled then shook my head.

“Thanks. But seriously. We have some serious planning to do.” I said. He nodded then whipped out his iPhone 4.

“Alright, are you ready to see what your main man managed to get?” He asked raising his eyebrows. I choked on my coffee.

“Main man? Seriously?” I asked. He glared at me.

“Sorry, sorry…right, what did you manage to get?” I asked, growing excited. He started beating his hands on the table, creating a drum roll. I giggled then joined him.

“Aspen, you will be attending your very handsome very amazing friend, River on a voyage to none other than…” He started then stared at me. I bit my lip in anticipation.

“LONDON.” He said. I squealed then jumped out of my chair and attacked him.

“Woah, calm down Aspen…people are staring…” He muttered patting my back.

“No, just a little bit longer…” I said smiling and squeezing him. He cleared his throat and chuckled.

“You can thank me later.” He said then winked at me. I hit his arm then sat down again.

“Riverrr, how did you do this?” I asked shaking the table. He raised his eyebrow.

“You, my friend, need to calm down.” He said. I swallowed then smiled at him.

“Sorry, I’m just…excited.” I said. He nodded.

“I understand…I have a few friends over there that own this huge apartment. And they’re going to South Africa for some study abroad thing and they said I could have the apartment for the summer.” He said.

“Wow, that was…nice of them. When do we leave?” I asked.

“Three days.” He said. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. I needed to shop. And pack.

“I figured you would do that…okay, so um…go shopping, get yourself ready, and I’ll see you Friday.” He said then stood up. I smiled then stood up to hug him one last time.

“Thanks River, I really need this.” I said. He grinned then patted my arm.

“Anything for you babe. Now go, I have to work, and you have to shop.” He said. I giggled then rushed out. As I left, I felt even better than I did this morning. I looked forward to shopping all day and packing all night.

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