Tanjiro x Giyuu

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Tanjiro POV

I was walking around the butterfly mansion because I was bored of listening to Zenitsu complain about how I attract more females than he does. Giyuu told me yesterday that he wanted to train I guess, so I was also on a mission to find the man.
After 30 minuets of walking around, I found him sitting on a bent near the lake close to the mansion. I walked up to him. " Hey Giyuu " I said, I think I startled him a bit. " um, yes Tanjiro " he said turning around to see me, " you said something about training today, do you want to do it now ooooor " I said looking away then looking back, " oh, yeah " he said getting up and grabbing my hand and then started to drag me somewhere.
He dragged me all the way to an empty room away from all the others that no one uses. " I-I thought that we were going to train " I said as he looked the door, " you have known me for more than 2 and a half years, to I ever train with other people " he said walking closer to me. He backed me up to where I was against the wall with nowhere to go, " uuum " I looked away from his face which was no only inches away from my own.
He kissed me. After a few seconds of not knowing what was going on, I decided to kiss back. He then picked me up and put me onto and empty desk that was in the corner of the room. he started to kiss my neck.

The next day

we didn't end up going that far but we were in there for a while.
Today I was outside training with Inosuke and Zenitsu like always, and Tomioka comes up to me. " did you get the news from your crow yet? " Tomioka asks me, " no, what is it " I ask, " we are going on a mission together, so go get Nezuko and we can get going, we aren't going that far away from here " he says to me, " oh, ok, I will go and get her right away " I say walking away from him.
Once I get Nezuko I start heading to the gate so that we can get going. " I'm here " I say arriving but he isn't there, all of a sudden... CRASH!!!!, he ran into me.
Apparently, Shinobu was chasing him because he took her breakfast.

and that's the end for this part, tell me if you guys want part twos of any of the other stories and I will try my best to make them.

Word count : 467

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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