Chapter 1

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Izuku's POV

I throw up once again in the toilet. I've been throwing up for a week now, meaning I am 1 week pregnant with my new baby girl. I already know the gender because I had to check if I was pregnant or not, and all the information just pops right into my head, so I don't get to pick and choose. I finish puking my guts out and walk over to Kaachan, who just finished cleaning up the dishes. We live on the floor above everyone else in the dorm room, which isn't not accessible without a special key card that only me, Kaachan, the teachers, and our parents have, so no one can sneak up here.

"Babe, you alright?" Kaachan asks as I sit back down at the table. "I guess. I already feel like shit and it only just started. I have to wait 3 more weeks until I can speed it up," I reply. "I kind of wish you could have a normal pregnancy again. I know it's not the best, but I hate how tired you get, how much more strain it puts on your body, and your increased pregnancy symptoms, especially the mood swings and cravings," Kaachan sighs. "Maybe I can wait it out a bit this time, since it is only one child, and only skip over 1 or 2 months," I suggest. He smiles and kisses my lips before Eri comes downstairs, dressed and ready for school.

"Morning Mama! Morning Papa!" she says happily. Eri is now 9 years old and is attending school with Kota and Katsuma. Whenever Kota comes over, I can easily tell they're crushing on each other, without having to use my quirk. They blush sometimes when they stare at each other for too long and always get flustered when we talk to them about the other.

"Good morning!" we reply. Then we hear a baby crying from upstairs. "Well, we needed to get ready for school anyways," Kaachan says. We get up and let Eri watch tv until we leave, as long as she doesn't have any homework she didn't finish yesterday. Then we head up the stairs. Before we take care of the now four crying children, we check on our other five children.

"Hello Mama, Papa!" Taro says, smiling with his newly brushed teeth. "Are you ready for school?" I ask him. He nods. "Then go get your backpack and make sure you have everything. Once your finished, you can watch tv with Eri." "Okay!" he replies and heads downstairs. Inara and Inori come out of their room.

"Yes we're ready, you don't have to ask we heard. And we know to check on everything before we watch tv with our siblings," they say simultaneously. They practically know almost everything that goes on in this house because of their Psychic quirk, which is why we can't get sexual very often. That and school.

They head off and we check on Kaori and Kaoru. Kaoru is doing Kaori's hair, since his doesn't need anything done to it. He puts it up into 2 neat pigtails with red bows. They're both really good with their hands. They are almost 4, since I had them not long after Taro, though in a different year.

"Are you guys ready?" I ask once Kaoru is finished. "Yup!" they respond in sync. They head downstairs, already knowing what to do since their door was open when I told Taro. Then we head over to the Triplets' and Atsushi's room.

"Mama! Papa!" Hinami, Katsumi, and Itsumi all cry. I walk over and pick up Hinami and Katsumi, and Kaachan picks up Itsumi and Atsushi. We rock them to sleep and place them back in their crib. We leave their room and go to ours so we can get ready for school. Once we're finished, we dress our babies, grab their bottles, and go downstairs. We find our 6 children cuddled on the couch watching the new She-Ra series on Netflix. It's Eri's favorite series, since she can relate to Adora about being scared and not knowing what things are really like, and the rest of the family got hooked on it too. Right now, she's rewatching the fourth season, since we're going to binge season 5 this weekend. We've been really busy and haven't had as much time for the kids, so it's a family weekend where the kids do what they want with us.

"Come on everyone! Shut the tv off and grab your bags! It's time for school!" Kaachan orders and they all scramble to get their stuff. Once everyone is ready, I teleport us to Eri's classroom. We say goodbye and teleport to Inara and Inori's classroom. They say, "We love you too" and walk into their classroom. Then we teleport to Taro, Kaori, and Kaoru's preschool and say goodbye. Finally, we teleport to Mom's house to drop off the other 4 off. We say goodbye and teleport back to the dorm. I plop on the couch for a few minutes, catching my breath.

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