Chapter 1:

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Steady. Steady. I take a deep breath. Good. I look down and- someone's belt flicks at the fancy chandelier. The fancy light fixture sways.

"Aaah! Kayla, cut it out!" I exclaim. Right next to Kayla I see a girl with brown hair, brown eyes, staring at me. New student? Then her expression changes to one that says 'Is he insane?' I can't exactly blame her. It's not everyday you see a boy swinging on a chandelier.

"Jax! What are you doing up there?" Kayla whispers heatedly.

"I'm cleaning the cr for Flora," I say and roll my eyes. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm making a break for it."

Kayla applauds. "Yay! This time I know you can do it." I'm sure I can, too bad I won't. The new girl shades her eyes with her hand. "Busting out? Why?" The new girl asks. I can't tell if she's asking me or Kayla. "I thought you said this place was cool." Yup. Definitely Kayla. I laugh loudly and the girl looks at me. She looks slightly stunned, probably because of my violet eyes. "FTRS was fun for a while, but strange things have started happening and I don't want to be here when something bad goes down," I say. I see the girl looks surprised and confused. She probably hasn't heard about the strange things. I think I see Kayla turn slightly pale. That's strange.

"He's exaggerating," she tells her but she doesn't sound convinced.

Drip. This thing is leaking! Kayla and the girl move out of the way. "Grease," I explain to the girl. "It lubes the window." I swing the chandelier, and as it nears the window, I use a fork to try to pry the window open. "A few more tries and I'll have it."

"Then what are you going to do, genius?" The girl asks. "You're two stories up." Memories flash through my mind, of all the higher spots I've climbed to.

"I've jumped from higher spots before."

"It's true," Kayla says to the girl. "Jax once jumped from the gym to the dining hall turret. That was three stories up. We call him the escape artist. One time he even managed to break into Azalea and Dahlia's rooms and borrowed their keys to the indoor pool so the whole dorm could take midnight swim." I grin at my accomplishments. This is so different from my old life but I love it.

"Impressive," the girl tells me. "And I thought I was good at tricking obnoxious royals." I look at Kayla. "She stole a dragon's tooth clip from one this morning," she fills me in.

"Nice," I say. "Your first pull?"

"No, I've been doing it for a while," she brags.

"Me too," I say. "My father is a farmer. You can only get so far trading vegetables. I needed to kick things up a notch."

I tell her what I've told everyone of how I got into FTRS. My father, a farmer and me stealing for our business and survival. If only they knew.

"Why do you want to break out so bad?" She asks.

"I've got places to see, and Enchantasia isn't one of them." I really wish to see other places but considering who I am, I may be grounded at Enchantasia for a long time. Focus on the mission Jax! I swing from the chandelier so hard the crystals clang together. The window latch pops open and I leap from the chandelier to the tiny window ledge. I look down smugly at the two girls and see the new girl is in awe. Then I push open the window. "Are you sure you two don't want to join me?"

"There's no time for us," Kayla says. "Get out of here. Wait!" Her eyes widen. "You deactivated the alarm on the window, right?" She asks.

"There isn't one," I insist, though I know that's a lie. "If there was, I wouldn't be able to do this." I lift the window and I hear:

EEEEEE! EEEE! EEEE! Unauthorized exit! Unauthorized exit!

The shrieking sound is so intense Kayla and the girl cover their ears. Within seconds, Flora is out of her office and running towards us.


A large muscular man with a long mane of hair is hanging on to the window ledge, his furry hands pulling me back by the shirt. Boy this man is fast alright! Of course I already know that but the new girl looks a little surprised. I'm guessing she hasn't met him yet.

"Mr. Jax," he says in a low growl, "We really must stop meeting like this." He pulls me from the window ledge and we drop to the ground with barely a grunt. The new girl seems to understand who this is. Yup. It's the Wolf.

"Anything you want to say for yourself? Like what you were doing up there?"

"I needed fresh air," I mumble. I hate that excuse. It's like the lamest excuse in the history of excuses but then again, that's kind of the point.

"Ah, same as the last two times." The wolf's voice is as smooth as butter, and very calm, considering what is going on.

I see the girl turn to Kayla- but she's gone! When did she even leave? The girl's expression turns to a negative one. Considering she's near a crime scene and the only person she actually knows is gone, I can't blame her.

"You know what a third offense means, don't you?" Flora says to me, and I put on a face like I might throw up. "Solitary confinement for a month." I actually hate this. As much as I need to stay here, how can I do anything when I'm confined? And it's for a month! I see the girl's face change. Yes I know, it is very harsh.

"Please," I beg. "Just give me one more chance. I won't try this again..."

"Where were you going?" Flora asks. I don't answer. "Then you leave me no choice."

"Wait!" The girl jumps in and we all look at her. What is she up to? "It's my fault. On the way earlier, I dropped my journal. I write in it everyday and planned on sending letters to my sister." We listen to her. "I was so upset I lost it that Jax offered to try to get on the grounds to go look for it for me." She says and looks at Flora. "Since the doors are locked, he had to break out."

"Is that so?" The Wolf looks amused. "Can you confirm this, Mr. Jax?"

My mouth starts to twitch but it stops. "Every word of it. I was trying to be the gentleman Madame Cleo is always telling us to be," I lie.

The Wolf nods. "Quite noble of you." He looks at Flora. "I guess we should give them both another shot, since this is Miss Gillian's first hour here and Mr. Jax was only trying to—what did you call it?—be a gentleman." Ah so that's her name. Gillian.

Flora's blood vessels look like they might burst on her forehead. "A small shot. After this, they are both held accountable for their actions. Understood?"

Me and Gillian look at each other. This girl is clearly quite smart, spinning a web with her lies. I speak for both of us. "We understand completely.

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