1. Where all our colors come together

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'I'm sorry if this chapter is a little boring I promise the rest of them are much better and interesting! So pls stick around :)
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Charli shifted the heavy textbook sitting on her lap. She had three chapters to read before class tomorrow, but she was having trouble concentrating on the small print.

After a few hours stuck at the small desk in his bedroom, she'd moved her study session to a bench in the park across the road.

She was hoping that a change of scenery and some fresh air would help his productivity, but she wasn't sure that it was working.

She'd read the same page a few times now and it still wasn't sinking into her brain.

"Um, excuse me?"

Startled by the noise, Charli looked up from her textbook to see a boy standing in front of her, dressed in soft looking grey joggers and a white t-shirt.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you," the boy said, looking hesitant.

"It's okay," Charli said, marking her spot and closing the book. She was always willing to make time to speak to cute boys – and this one was Cute with a capital C.

"How can I help you?"

"I was just over there with my friends," the boy said, pointing to a group of three guys in the distance, huddled around a football. "And I, uh, I saw you sitting here, and I wondered if you'd let me draw you?"

Oh. The boy held up a worn-looking sketchbook, doodles all over the front cover. He must have been an art major, then, Charli had seen people carrying books like that around campus.

She bit her lip, considering.

The boy was lit up by the sun shining behind him, making it seem like he was glowing. With scruffy hair and sharp cheekbones, he was gorgeous.

"I promise I won't disturb your reading or anything, I'll just sit here and draw," he said earnestly.

"Yeah, okay," Charli agreed. Why not?

"Great! That's great," the boy said, looking more confident now. He stuck his hand out for her to shake.

"I'm Chase."

"Charli, she said, "nice to meet you."

The two smiled at each other for a few seconds in silence, before She cleared her throat and Chase seemed to snap to attention.

"Okay, so I'll just sit over here and draw, that okay?"

She nodded, and watched as Chase sat down and got himself organised. He produced a pen from his back pocket, and opened the sketchbook in his hands to a clean page.


Charli managed to read for fifteen minutes before he found his mind wandering again. She put her book down, leaning back against the park bench.

She looked over at Chase, who seemed to be concentrating hard on the page in front of him, frowning slightly as he moved his pen.

Charli watched as he tilted his head to the side consideringly, then flicked his eyes back up to look at her. When he saw Charli watching him, he smiled.

"Almost done, Cutie," he said. "I must say, you make an excellent model."


"Oh yeah, what with that hair, and your whole..." he gestured vaguely, "face situation."

"Erm, thanks, I think?" Charli laughed.

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