Another Year

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Hong Cha Young

It's past midnight when I eventually coming home from the Museum. Shaking my tired feet lightly to let the hook off my heels shoes, I hold onto the island to keep my balance. I've felt off balance all night, not only because of the shoes, but because of the unexpected event.

I look around the shabby apartment I inhabit for the last year. The trace of him still dominates the room. The sleeping robe he always used, his coffee mug and even his favorite wine glasses still litter the place. A bird voice from the corner cage reminds me to move from my position and feeds Inzaghi.

Yep, not long after that eventful night, Inzaghi came back without his blue ribbon. I took that as a cue and properly fed him and provided him with a beautiful cage. He was still flying around but at night he never forgot to knock the window and begged to be let in. A free man but nonetheless attached.

Same cannot be said about his former caretaker.

It's been a year.

Since I saw his back moving away. Since that last hug. Since I feel this kind of thrill. The kind that makes my heartbeats drum. That keeps my smile intact. That sends my heart bursts.

All those feeling I always feel around him.

I miss him so much. Our Corn Salad. My darling.

I burst out laughing and dancing my joy when I finally realize tonight is real.

"Inzaghiii! I meet him! I meet uri Vincenzo!" I scream in front of his cage. Damn, it feels good!

Pardon me if that's not the last time I'm screaming. I feel like I want to cause an uproar at Geumga Plaza and wake everyone up just to  tell them I met him. And told them everything. Well, maybe not the details. Especially not the kiss. But telling them can wait. I want to savor our shared moment. As little as that was.

I change out of my dress and lay on the single bed. I still think this is his apartment although Mr. Cho relayed his message about giving this room to me. With another possible visit in the future, is it alright if I keep living here? Ya, Hong Cha Young! Why are you thinking about that?

I hug the pillow tight and scream to the pillow.

Ah. Vincenzo Cassano. I almost forget this version of him. The version he shared only with a bunch of people. Him with his soft stare and loving eyes. Him with his calming presence and voice. Him with his vulnerability.

And after a year with only his monthly postcard sent from Malta, he's here in the flesh fulfilling his promise to comeback. A promise I try not to think about much but silently hope he keeps it.

Now I'm thankful that amid all the obvious challenges, he still fights to be here. That makes me feel kind of special.


Today is game day of the week. As usual, we sit in circle at Arno. However, instead of playing any game, the tenants are so immersed in my story of meeting our mighty consigliere. I just finish my story and everybody are talking over everybody, it's a chaos. With how loud we all are, sometime it's a wonder how Vincenzo could keep us in line.

"SILENCEE!" I shout. They shut their mouth, thankfully. "Raise your hand, and I'll answer your question." Everyone raises their hands. I point to Mr. Lee first.

"How is he doing?"

"As I said, Mr. Cassano was fine. More than fine as he's just bought an island in Malta. Next!" I point to Mr. Tak.

"Why can't he come back here?"

"Do you want him to go to prison? He's wanted for kidnapping & killing Babel CEO and Choi Myung Hee."

Another YearOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora