"I SAID SIT DOWN" he shouted as a gunshot went off causing people to scream,

"JAY" I screamed as I ran over to him,

"It's fine, I'm fine" he informed, pushing me behind him as I grabbed on to the bottom of his shirt in fear.

We sat back down on the floor and waited for something to happen in an agonising silence. That was until a phone began to ring. Jays phone.

"Woah woah woah, who's phone is that?" The man said as he scanned the room. Jay slowly pulled his phone out to see Adams name flash across the screen,

"It'll be for you" Jay said knowing that the intelligence team would be outside along with loads of other cops,

"No. No I'm not talking to anyone" he said in an unsteady tone,

"You" he said pointing at me "you answer it" he instructed,

"Jay" I whimpered not wanting to be noticed by the unpredictable man,

"It's ok" he reassured "I'm right here nothings gonna happen to you. Just answer the phone and talk ok? It's Adam he's gonna get us out of this" he said in the most reassuring way he could in this situation,

"ANSWER IT" he demanded before pointing the gun at my brother "AND YOU SHUT UP BEFORE I PUT A BULLET IN YOU'RE HEAD" he shouted causing me to flinch slightly as I grabbed the phone from Jay and pressed accept with shaky hands before putting it on speaker,

"Hello" I said as I swallowed down a sob,

"Gracie?" Adam asked from the other end of the phone "what's going on in there baby girl?" He asked calmly. I looked up at Jay who gave me an encouraging nod for me to explain,

"Erm, there's a guy with a gun, I think he wants money" I explained the best I could with a shaky voice,

"Yeah? Is he with you there?" He asked,

"Yeah he is" I confirmed with a teary nod, forgetting that he couldn't see me over the phone,

"Ok sweetheart, I'm on speakerphone right?" He asked already knowing,

"Mmhm" I confirmed again,

"Hunter" Adam spoke as I saw a hint of fear flash across the robbers face "Hunter I know you can hear me. How about you come to the phone and we can talk about how we can help you" Adam urged as the robber grabbed his head in frustration, almost pulling his own hair out,

"You wanna help me? You wanna help me then you get me 20k" He yelled as I continued to hold the phone with shaking hands,

"I can't do that Hunter and I think you know that. What I can do is give you protection from Diaz when you get out here" Adam said. The new information seemed to interest the robber, who I now no is called Hunter, as he walked over to me and grabbed the phone from my hand forcefully, allowing me to grab on to my brother once again.

Hunter took the phone off speaker phone and walked over to the corner of the room, talking barley over a whisper, but still holding the gun with trembling hands. We couldn't hear a word that was being said between the robber and Adam but I wasn't sure that it was making him any calmer. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Voight sneak in behind the counter with his gun and bullet proof vest ready. He caught my eye and indicated for me to stay silent before giving me a reassuring wink. He disappeared somewhere before Kim, Hailey and Kevin entered in the same way, unbeknown to Hunter who was still talking to Adam on the phone. I guess that was the distraction. Jay had obviously noticed the presence of his team mates as well as he pushed me further behind him, practically blocking my view from anything but the back of his shirt.

Suddenly the alarm sounded once again, but this time the doors unlocked and the bars that had fallen over the windows disappeared. Hunter looked up confused just as armed police burst in demanding that he put the gun down. He did so almost immediately and was instantly pinned to the floor by Kevin who restrained him with handcuffs.

"Are you guys ok?" Kim asked as everybody was led out of the building,

"We're good" Jay confirmed, but just then I burst in to floods of tears "hey, come here" he said as he pulled me in to his chest and gave me a kiss on the top of the head "It's over now baby, I've got you" he assured. My sobs soon died down and Jay pulled me away so he could see my face "you did really well in there Gracie, I'm really proud of you" he commented making me smile slightly.

Eventually everyone was allowed to leave the scene, but of course we stayed slightly longer as Jay and the rest of the team where discussing what had happened, but most of it went over my head. I stayed attached to Jays side the entire time until Will arrived and jumped out of his car still in his uniform,

"Will" I shouted as I ran over to him,

"Hey" he greeted as he wrapped me in a comforting bear hug "you ok?" He asked as he scanned my body for any obvious injuries,

"She's fine" Jay confirmed as he walked over to us,

"And you?" Will asked our brother who smiled fondly,

"I'm fine swell, nobody got hurt" Jay assured as Will relaxed slightly "can you take Gracie home? I'm gonna stay a while and see if we can fins a little more about what happened" Jay said and Will nodded as I gave Jay another bone crushing hug "go with Will ok? I'll be home soon and we can watch a movie or something" he suggested and I nodded sadly,

"Ok, love you" I said as I turned back to Will,

"Love you to" Jay replied before we walked over to Wills car and began the drive home.

We spent the rest of the day at home watching movies, Jay returning just after lunch to join us. He seemed so calm. How could he be taking it so well? I was extremely clingy for the next few days and I was very aware of that. In fact, it was a good few weeks before I was back to my normal trouble making self, much to Will and Jays dismay. 

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