Chapter 1

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300 Years Ago

"Dante, I won't let you do this!" you yelled, holding your head up as you stared down the man. He stood with his hands pressed to the table in front of him, a slightly crazed smile on his face as he waved a hand to motion the witch to continue.

"You can't stop me. You may be a witch, but mine is more powerful," he said in his English accent, looking down at the scroll-like paper in front of him as he proceeded to ignore you.

You huffed angrily. How could you have trusted him? How could you have not stopped him sooner?

In your defense, the man had a crazy idea that should never have worked. But he was charismatic. You should have spotted a madman from a mile away. After all, you were very close friends with one.

You and the Mikaelsons had just moved to New Orleans. One night, you were out with them and stumbled upon a vampire with a very interesting story about splitting a portal through worlds and crossing over. It was a charming - albeit terrifying - idea, but that's why you just thought it was only a story.

But then you started picking up on his behavior and noticed that he was actually going through with his idea with a very powerful witch.

And now, here you were in the scene he explained. The moon at its highest, the fullest night of the full moon at the transition between summer and fall. It was almost the witch's hour and two worlds were about to be split to create an hour-long branch.

The witch activated her magic and began the spell, chanting to herself as her eyes closed. The wind began to swirl around them, becoming stronger with each chant as the rip was beginning to tear.

It was times like these when you wished your beloved Mikaelsons would dramatically show up.

You began to chant to counteract her spell but Dante got to you first, covering your mouth tightly to keep you from chanting as he spoke in your ear, "You aren't going to ruin this for me. I will create this branch, I will travel between these worlds, and I will rule!"

You bit down on his hand and he let go of you. You clenched your hand into a fist, watching him crouch to the floor as he screamed in agony as the blood vessels in his head snapped over and over again.

"You won't. I can't let you. If you leave these tears open, you'll destroy them. There will be no world left to rule," you told him.

He spoke through the pain, "Why do you care? The world's done nothing for witches like you!"

You rolled your eyes, "Because I'm one of the idiots who lives in it!" You turned to the witch and began curling your hand, taken aback when your magic didn't reach her.

She had a barrier around her that kept her from being harmed during the spell. It bounced off of the field and hit you and you screamed, falling to the floor as your dress pooled around you.

You tried to get yourself up as the pain raged inside of you, slowly slipping away as you caught your breath. Dante stood and walked over to the witch.

"How much longer?" he yelled impatiently.

"Almost there!" she strained as she continued the spell, blood dropping from her nose as she continued. You looked up when you saw a bright light in the air, at first it just resembled a twinkling star before tearing down as a rip was created.

You got to your feet and you were all blown back as the blinding light exploded. The three of you got to your feet, staring in horror and awe at the literal tear between worlds.

You looked at Dante at the same moment he looked at you. You both scurried to your feet as he rushed to the portal. You grabbed a hold of his foot, making him fall face first to the ground. You scrambled to your feet, having an especially hard time because of the dress on your body.

Remembrance (Elijah Mikaelson x Reader x Carlisle Cullen)Where stories live. Discover now