Episode 21 - The secret of the door

Start from the beginning

She takes the candle from him and leaves. Arnav watches her as she goes.

The next day,

Anjali wakes up quite early. She sees Shyam's sleeping face and gets hazy.

Anjali(To herself): Why do I feel that I am missing something? I don't remember making love with you Shyamji. On the hill station night. Why are you not doing anything with me after that night? I somewhere feel like it was after that night, you started getting away from me. Am I missing something?

Soon she goes to the kitchen and finds the maid washing vessels and boiling the milk.

Maid: May I help you memsaab (maam).

Anjali: I just need some coffee.

Maid: Yes memsaab.

Anjali was about to go but then she turns back as soon as she gets reminded about the priest's sayings.

Anjali: Hey do u know anything about that old temple. The door which was shut for 30 years?

Maid looked perplexed as well as a bit scared. Anjali gets it that she might be knowing something about the temple.

Anjali: What is the use of the tribals coming to this village?

Maid: Well it is just that memsaab, because of job oppu...

Anjali: Cut it! I don't think so.

The maid looked scared.

Anjali: The reason why I am asking is that I don't think so the tribals come here merely for that purpose. You can tell me. I assure you that I will not say this to anyone.

Maid looked perplexed. Soon Anjali produces some money for her. The maid first said no.

Anjali: I heard that your daughter needs this for education. I am surprised why you are denying this.

Maid: I cannot betray my master.

Anjali: Who is your master?

Maid: Thakur Saahab's father.

Anjali was shocked to know that she was still being loyal to a dead person.

Anjali: Look here, if you tell this to me, I can sponsor your daughter's education till the end. Consider this, this is not something bad. I know you are a faithful person and this faithfulness is quite rare in these times. Also, you are not betraying your master here. He is no more now. Also, if you tell this to me then there might be a chance that something might be done on my behalf.

Maid: No memsaab, nothing can be done on your behalf.

Anjali: Why? See just tell me then I will see.

Maid thinks for sometime. Then she spills the beans.

Maid: That old temple cannot be opened unless a true tribal will open that door and rings the bell in it.

Anjali: But as far as I heard, only the village Thakur will get the chance to ring the bell. How come is that a tribal would open and ring the bell.

Maid(smiling): That is the point that the tribals were saying Memsaab. One of their members will become the new Thakur of the village.

Anjali looks on. Someone was about to enter the kitchen and was watching them from behind as soon as the person heard Anjali's word, he/she stopped.

Anjali: Now tell me why is it so important for the tribals to come to Jagmanpur?

Maid: That I don't know ma'am. I swear. But I can tell you who knows it other than the Thakur.

Anjali: Who?

Maid: Seth Ratan Lal.

Anjali looks on.

Anjali: By the way how is the door opened?? It didn't have any latch or any other thing to be opened. Can't it be burned or broken?

Maid: Many of the members all these years tried to open it memsaab. But no one could do it. Many died at the instant of trying it. So that's why no one risked their lives.

Anjali looked on.

Anjali: How is that the village Thakur or the tribal will know to open it. Well to open any door, we need some latch or a device right? I don't remember seeing any in there.

Maid: That is why memsaab, it is said that the door will automatically open once the tribal comes in. There will be rain and storm coming once the Thakur enters the temple. When he comes near the door, it is said that the mantra (chanting verse) to open the door will be revealed on top of the door.

Anjali gets shocked. This sounded mysterious. 

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