3. Dropping Like Flies

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One after another he killed then ate. Once he was done he looked to me I closed my eyes expecting to be killed off.

Alastor's pov

I think I've found my mate. As a demon you have mates once you enter hell. Some never find their mates as either they where erased or they are in heaven. I thought that was my case.

I never wanted anyone in my life until now, and now that I've found her I'm not letting go.

I walk over to her and she closed her eyes expecting death, but I placed a gentle clawed hand on her cheek. Her eyes opened and widened at the gesture. Then she spoke with that silky smooth and angelic voice.

" Why have you not killed me yet? "

I freeze I think for once in my life and afterlife I should be honest about my emotions. I'm tired of everyone fearing me. Yes I may kill and make deals for a living but I was still once human.

And as a human I still want contact, but only contact from those who I want to touch me. And to be honest I vowed to let my mate be the first one I'll willingly touch me without me trying or wanting to kill.

I spoke to her in a quiet voice as to not scare her. " I want you to live, but I also want you to be mine as a lover or as a demon has my mate.."

She looked shocked and said." If your not joking and playing around with my feelings I'll give you a chance." My ears perked up at this and my shadows let her go purring.

Like me they only purr when their at their happiest I was also slightly purring as I hugged her.

Since she helped summon me I can stay in the human world since she's still alive. I ask " May I stay with you? As a demon that's been summoned I can't return to hell without a complete contract or all my summoners dead."
She smiled and hugged back and replied.

" I'm not gonna kick you out to fend for yourself. Not with all the new technology we have that you don't know of. So yes you can stay with me." I purred louder.

Not only do I have my mate and she's gonna give me a chance, but also she's gonna let me stay with her. She then sighed and said.

" But we'll need a believable story. How about I cut myself and say that Willow killed everyone and left me for dead, but you helped me and now where going to the police and telling them what happened?"

My eyes widened damn that cover story is amazing and perfect enough to work.
"Perfect let's go with that. How good are you at lieing?" I smirked. And I felt pleasurable shivers go down my spine to my tail which is wagging by now.

"Heh I mess with people's head all the time, and lie about me being innocent. Not hard to do as long as you stick with the story."

Dear Satan do I already love this woman, a few problems is my fan girls in hell, and my clingy ex Mimzy.

-bidding my time- Alastor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now