Anastasia chuckles and turns around to grab a drink. She pours herself some bourbon. She turns around, and looks at everyone " What I would like to know is on my why are you here?" Before anyone can say anything Hope jumps up and saids " We're looking for my sister. She was kidnapped by witches, and cloaked for 17 years. We couldn't find her till yesterday we did a locater spell which led us here."

Anastasia looked at Hope. " Okay okay what's her name?" As she saids this she looks at Klaus and Hayley. " I'm only helping you so you can get her and leave I heard about the Mikealsons and all your problems when you were here. I don't need some war on my hands I'm quite busy."

Kol is astonished by how Anastasia is a spitting image of Klaus. He could see the resemblance it's pretty obvious that she is his daughter. " Isn't obvious you're her sister darling." When Kol said this everyone's head snapped to him. Klaus and Hayley were shocked but also unsure on how Anastasia would reacted.

Everyone look at Anastasia. You could see the fire in her eyes. Marcel knew whenever the Mikealsons were involved nothing would be safe. Anastasia is very sensitive about the topic of family. Anastasia walked over to Kol everyone was on edge she had Klaus's temper. She grab Kol by the throat, and smashed him against the wall. " You are on very thin ice kid watch what you say."

Davina didn't like how Anastasia was threatening Kol so she started a spell. Marcel was about to stop her when Anastasia grab Davina in a chokehold. At this point everyone stood up.

Davina was scared for her life so was everyone else. Kol knew he couldn't do anything without setting off Anastasia so he had no choice but to beg. " Anastasia look I'm very sorry but let Davina go please..please let her go." The last four words were whispers Kol Mikealson was begging.

Anastasia was laughing " I have no tolerance when people are disrespecting me." Everyone nodded they knew Anastasia was pissed they didn't want to chance it. Anastasia closed her eyes and mumble a spell she put both hands of each side of Davinas head.

Davina was freaking out she didn't know what she was doing to her but she felt it.

Her magic.

It's gone.

Katherine knew what Anastasia did. Anastasia did this to witches all the time that disrespected her. Anastasia was done so she shoved Davina forward and Kol caught her. Davina was crying. Kol knew she did something to Davina.

" What did you do to her? WHAT DID YOU DO." Kol yelled.

Anastasia was leaning her back against the front of her desk. "Sit down." She said in a hard tone. They all sat down.

" I don't like when people disrespect me like that. You Kol made an accusation saying that you're my family * Anastasia chuckles* then Davina try to hurt me I believe. So I did what I do to witches that go against me."

Klaus was proud that his daughter was strong. Davina wasn't crying anymore but she was sniffling " What did you do to me."  Davina ask's.

Anastasia smirks everyone was 100% sure that she was Klaus and Hayley's daughter.

"I do what I do to witches who I feel that need to be disciplined. You want to know what I did." Everyone nods, Anastasia, Katherine, and Marcel laughs. Katherine puts her back to Anastasias front. Anastasia kisses her neck.

" I took your ability to do magic. Freya can't give it back to you only I can." Anastasia then decides to mock her " I feel that it is a reasonable punishment since you tried to go against me mhm? I will give it back until I deem so." Anastasia saids.

Anastasia went back to kissing Katherine's neck making hickeys.

This pissed Klaus and Elijah off. Elijah pulls Katherine away from Anastasia and Klaus slams Anastasia to the wall. Elijah asks Anastasia " This is a serious matter you will give back her magic or Katherine will die." Everyone looks at Anastasia.

She has no emotions on her face. Marcel is terrified the silence in this room isn't helping either. " Did you just threaten me in MY CITY." She shoves Klaus off of her and slams Hayley into the wall as well as Hope, and has both hands wrapped around their hearts. Marcel has Freya.

Everyone is scared one wrong move and Anastasia will kill all three of them. Hope has never had a hand in her chest, and she feels like she is dying.

" Let them go." Elijah saids. 

"Now." Klaus saids.

Everyone can tell Anastasia inherited Klaus
impulsiveness and temper.

" Now you want to beg emmm? Maybe I will let the decision be up to Marcel?" Saids Anastasia.

Everyone turns to Marcel " You know when I gave up New Orleans meant I wanted nothing to do with it. Meaning making decisions like these. Let's help them find the girl. Give back her magic, and let them go." Anastasia nodded and smirks she let's go Hope , and shoves her forward. Klaus catches her. She grabs Hayley and smells her neck.

" You're a hybrid." She turns Hayley around and looks at her. She nods at Marcel he shoves Freya to Kol. Marcel clears his throat " Let her go Elijah." Elijah looks conflicted. " Let her go Elijah or Hayley here won't live to see Hope in a wedding dress." Anastasia laughs and grips Hayley's heart tighter . Hayley groans in pain Hope is scared for her mother's life she looks at Elijah. " Unlce Elijah please. Let her go." Elijah looks at Katherine and hands her over to Marcel. " Give me Hayley."

Anastasia kisses Hayley on the side of the head and whispers " Don't try me again do you understand?" Hayley nods her head. Hayley groans " I-I understand."

Anastasia gently pushes Hayley to Elijah. Anastasia leaves the room and comes back with clean hands. Anastasia smiles and claps her hands. " Davina come here." Everyone was on edge. Anastasia rolls her " Do you wants your magic back or not?" Davina stands in front of Anastasia. Anastasia takes a deep breathe " Don't make me regret giving them back understand?" Davina nods her head. Anastasia closes her eyes and mumbles Anastasia opens her eyes and sets a candle besides her. " Light it." Davina listen and did it she lighted the candle.

" So what's your sisters name darling." She looks at Hope. Hope looks at Klaus and Hayley.

Klaus stands up " Well luv Kol was right you're our daughter." Anastasia laughs " Look I'm not your daughter you know nothing about me."

" You're seventeen." Rebekah saids. Anastasia shakes her head " Anyone could guess that." " You and Niklaus have the same impulsiveness and temper." Elijah states. " Its called anger issues. You know when you have a believable reason that I am your daughter the door is right there."

As Anastasia saids this Katherine put her face in Anastasia necks. Anastasia wraps her arms around Katherine.

Everyone leaves the room leaving Katherine and Anastasia to their self's.


I claim this book as mine. Please let me know if anyone is using my story.
I own my characters and plot everything else goes to the original owners.

Thank you for reading!

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