New Bark Town

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(AN: Music at the bottom is the theme from New Bark Town!!!!)

My eye lids fluttered open as my alarm clock rang out in the bright morning sky. Jolting upward I released a yawn and looked down at the calendar beside my bed side table. "June 18th" I announced "Why is today circled?" Eyes widened and all breath escaped my lungs. "OHMYGOD! ETHAN RECEIVES HIS POKÉMON TODAY!!!" Throwing the blankets around the room and dropping my body onto the floor I searched for shoes. However all I could find was my Celebi slippers. Not giving any fucks I slipped them on and sprinted towards the window. Inhaling all the air I possibly could I released a scream out so the whole town of New Bark could hear. "ETHAN GET'S HIS STARTER TODAY!" Screaming some more in the process I managed to put my robe on and practically fall face first down the stairs into the Kitchen.
"Honey what are you doing? Are yo-" 
"MOTHER!! ETHAN IS LEAVING HE'S GETTING HIS STARTER AND IS GOING TO LEAVE I HAVE TO MAKE SURE HE DIDN'T LEAVE YET! OH KNOW WHAT? I MIGHT BE LATE OH NO I HAVE TO GET GOING!" Frantically I dashed outside almost ripping the door out of the hinges. While hearing mother murmur something about me still being in pajamas. But how could I miss Ethan's leaving? He may be a huge pain in my butt sometimes. But he's like a brother to me. He's the closest thing I have to a friend, and I know if I was receiving my starter before him he would be there for me. Now picking up my speed I turned down the winding dirt path to Prof. Oaks Lab, assuming the trouble maker would still be in there. Taking 3 big beep breaths of hope I pushed open the door and squealed with excitement!  "ETHAN YOUR STILL HERE!" with a faithful leap I sprang into the room and into his arms "PHEW! I I THOUGHT I MISSED YOU!" rolling his eyes he shoved me off of him and whispered into my ear 

"Quiet now Lyra, I'm still choosing a starter......."


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