Chapter 9: Flashbacks

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We get back home after skating for half an hour. I carry Biscuit and take it to my room. Ava helps me set up his bed and food. I smile while I see him crawl into bed. He must be very tired. I was happy to have a new addition to the family.

I wave Ava goodbye and I go back up to my room. I take Biscuit and put him on my lap. He warmed my lap and it made me smile. Mom knocked on my door, entered, and sat beside me. She petted Biscuit and said, "You made a good choice." I giggled. I stood up and opened Biscuits food, I poured it onto his food bowl and let him eat. Mom and I ordered burger's from this new burger place that just opened up. While we waited, I finished homework.

Mom made a couple of friends at her job already. She was invited for dinner at her co-worker's house tomorrow night so I have to stay home alone. I didn't stay home allow back in Colorado cause my brother was there with me. I wasn't scared but I don't know this place very much. We've been here for 2 weeks or so.
I kinda lost contact with my family. My brother is only 7 so he didn't have a phone yet. My grandma wasn't so good with technology so she doesn't know how to use a phone. My dads in jail, so clearly I can't call him. My aunts would call me sometimes to ask how I was doing. My aunt Naomi was my favorite because she's the youngest of my moms siblings. She's only 22. Naomi didn't have kids so she was super fun. It was sad leaving her. She treated me like her best friend.
I remember when she used to take me out of school early to get donuts. And that one time when we got caught stealing chips from the gas station. We used to go out
late at night and flirt with cute boys. I was 11 when we did that and she 18. I remember when my dad wasn't in jail. We had big Christmas parties, the whole family would come over and we would have huge meals. The gifts were my favorite, dad got me a necklace every year that had a meaning. But I guess this year I won't be getting one. I miss my best friend. She was honestly my diary, she knew me better than I knew myself. It's been hard not seeing her everyday, since we used to see each other everyday. Even on holidays. We've been best friends since we were born. I remember when my dad used to hit my mom. (TW) She would have blood coming out of her arms. She used to beg ,y dad to stop, but he continued. He threw vases at her and portraits. It was painful to watch. I also had a friend group back at home. We had some problems but by the time I was gone, everything was good again.

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